12 Must-Have Features for Your Enterprise CMS: What's the Cost of Not Having Them?

Boost Your Enterprise CMS with These Must-Haves!
Amit Founder & COO cisin.com
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This is why we created this comprehensive Enterprise CMS guide.

You can find a system that is powerful enough to support your company by combining your knowledge with some good guidelines.

What is an Enterprise Content Management System (CMS), and how does it work?

What is an Enterprise Content Management System (CMS), and how does it work?


Website creation and management software are known as a content management system (CMS). With CMS development services, web designers can start with a basic site structure.

They can now alter their projects without having to write any code, thanks to this. As a result, development is both quicker and more effective.

How to Select the Best Enterprise CMS

How to Select the Best Enterprise CMS


What distinguishes an enterprise CMS from a CMS designed for smaller groups? We don't believe you need us to remind you that various organizational sizes have various needs.

It has nothing to do with an organization's actual size. Numerous additional essential elements also have an impact on this process of digital transformation.

If a tiny business only has one website and it saves almost no user data, security service or service for protection may not be necessary.

On the other hand, businesses manage a lot of important data. It can end up costing a lot in terms of clients' trust and money. Modern security precautions and technical expertise are necessary.

Larger firms require a more extensive digital platform or online presence. Even smaller businesses might not need a mobile-friendly website.

More omnichannel experiences might be necessary for a broader audience. Any potential new channels, including mobile applications, physical kiosks, and others, may present profitable marketing opportunities.

Enterprise CMSs are ones that are created expressly to manage all of these components. These CMSs can manage big staff populations, extensive growth plans, and cutting-edge technologies.

They also provide you ample latitude to adjust your strategy as necessary.

It's not as simple as selecting any of the business CMS options. There is no one solution that works for everyone.

This enterprise CMS guide can help to clarify the situation.

Three Options for Enterprise CMS

Three Options for Enterprise CMS


Content management systems come in a variety of forms. Let's examine the two headless CMSs and the three fundamental categories of content management systems.

Monolithic CMS

Traditional CMSs are another name for monolithic CMSs. They are referred to as conventional CMSs.

It is straightforward to use monolithic CMSs. If your requirements are straightforward, you won't need to modify these pre-packaged solutions.

This makes it possible to start your website more quickly, maintain it more easily, and manage it with fewer resources overall. This may be your best choice if you're seeking a simple answer.

Simplicity, however, is not necessarily better. Options for monolithic enterprise CMSs might be quite constrictive.

Customizing your strategy will be very difficult, and changing basic code frequently requires a lot of work and time. This can limit your ability to grow and weaken your system. Simple is no longer enough if your business wants to be competitive in today's modern world.


  1. It is easy to use.
  2. Simple designs typically use fewer resources.
  3. Setting up an all-in-one framework will take less time.


  1. The fundamental technology cannot be altered; hence it is in danger of being rendered outdated.
  2. Opportunities to extend to new platforms and adjust for shifting client expectations are constrained by this tight framework.
  3. A feature list might indicate that a particular functionality does not exist or is not required.

Headless CMS (SaaS).

A contemporary alternative to conventional CMS is headless CMS. Recall the connection we mentioned previously between the front and back ends.

Broken by becoming headless. This means that even while you are free to transmit the content in minutes to any channel of your choice, you can still submit it to your backend.

Compared to a conventional CMS, this structure is highly unique.

These systems are very adaptable. You can deliver material to as many channels as you want without having to worry about silos.

You may have the same flexibility with your technology, thanks to APIs. Your system can be added to, removed from, or modified as you see fit. A system without a fixed structure can be created.

You can construct a custom system using a SaaS (software-as-a-service) alternative without worrying about maintenance problems.

Even if there are many advantages, not everyone should choose them. Still, you'll need competent developers to produce the outcomes you seek.

Even if your system is straightforward, this can be costly. Without your effort, a headless business CMS will not function.


  1. You can swap out programs as needed thanks to flexible technology, effectively future-proofing your system.
  2. The segregated structure enhances security.
  3. You can transmit your material to an endless number of frontends after editing it in one backend.


  1. It could be more challenging to handle multiple frontends. This frequently calls for a bigger team and greater resources.
  2. Complex ecosystem setup takes more time.
  3. Internal options

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In-house Solutions

These internal solutions are uncommon. They can exhibit the characteristics of either headless or monolithic forms.

There is one significant distinction: in-house, custom-built solutions are not SaaS. This indicates that you are placing a heavy workload on your staff.

The best part of it is this. You will not be able to find a CMS option—no matter how strong—that can satisfy all of your requirements.

To get the functionality, you require, work internally, which means you won't have to fiddle with settings or develop unique functionality. Instead, you'll be working in a supervised setting. The greatest choice if you want a system that properly suits you is to build it yourself.

There are drawbacks to this ideal pairing. The amount of effort needed is most crucial. The system needs to be maintained as well.

Every time additional features or advanced technology and digital experiences are required, you'll have to start anew. It's possible that you'll need to redesign your entire system to keep up with the times. This will cost significantly more time and money.

Knowing precisely what you need is the key to choosing an enterprise CMS for your business. Your system shouldn't look exactly like one that is already on the market.

You shouldn't be reluctant to take your time in order to locate the programmers and technological advancements that will enable you to fully realize the possibilities of an in-house solution, and opt for Custom CMS development, if necessary.


  1. a unique design that is adapted to your business's requirements
  2. Paying extra for features you won't utilize is unnecessary.
  3. Complete command over your online presence


  1. It takes a significant amount of work, time, and money to establish a profitable firm.
  2. Internal maintenance is necessary.

Read More: What to Consider When Choosing a CMS in 2022?

What Features are you Looking for in an Enterprise CMS?

What Features are you Looking for in an Enterprise CMS?


Each company is unique, but there are common features that can be beneficial for all.

We recommend the following ECMS features:

Easy Administration

At the core of each ECMS is the admin dashboard. The management of all activities involved in content creation ought to be simple.

This implies:

  1. Monitoring of all assets and materials that are scheduled.
  2. Keep an eye on both site activity and administrative activities.
  3. You can add functionality by using modules and plugins.
  4. Notifications of upcoming tasks
  5. Administration of many websites and platforms, as needed

Utilizing a single piece of software that allows for access at each user's level makes managing the workflow for content management simpler.

Producing material becomes easier and less complex as a result.

Useful Publishing Tools

Content strategy and publishing technologies are equally crucial. All ECMSs are built on them. A top-notch ECMS will be able to adjust to the content types you want to publish, from news items to longer pieces with unique layouts and landing pages with embedded documents, and integrate these into a larger publication pipeline.

Additionally, it may control SEO, content tagging, and pictures added to the publishing interface.

Even new users must find it simple and intuitive to utilize.

When working with content structure, the ability to move it around as needed is crucial. A seasonal offer might need to be discontinued, but the content should still be accessible next year.

In order to provide a smooth user experience and customer experience, links should appear automatically at every step.

SEO Tools with Built-In SEO

Google updates its search algorithms frequently. Numerous things can affect how well you rank.

Although it may be challenging to pinpoint every off-page factor that influences your search rankings, you can be sure that on-page SEO isn't going anywhere.

The best CMS will come with SEO capabilities that let you automatically generate URLs that are both user-friendly and search-engine-friendly.

Additionally, you may utilize your CMS to authenticate with Google Webmaster Tools and Bing, as well as to add meta descriptions and page titles.

To prevent duplicate material, it's also critical to be able to add alt tags to photos and adhere to accessibility standards.

You can also use structured and microdata data to improve the look of your search engine results. More details are forthcoming.

Social Media Integration

The greatest approach to communicating with crucial consumers continues to be through social media channels. Every CMS should have social media tools.

You may now easily add social media sharing buttons to any page or component using this method. Additionally, it implies that you may optimize your content lifecycle for sharing on all social media channels to encourage users to share it with their following.

Think about whether your CMS adds your Twitter account to any shared material or automatically formats your articles in Twitter cards.

To enhance the sharing and display of shared content blocks on Facebook, Open Graph tags are employed.

These are only a few of the significant social components of an ECMS.

Detail Analytics

You should monitor platform engagement as part of your content channels strategy. You may monitor your KPIs from your dashboard by integrating your ECMS with well-known analytics programs like Google Analytics.

Administrators must also be aware of important audiences' geographic locations, preferred technology stack, ways of interacting with information, and favorite types of material if they want to optimize their content creation cycle strategy.

Your team will be able to obtain the required business intelligence with the aid of a solid ECMS.

Simple Workflow and Publishing Controls

Regardless of how big or small your company is, it's doubtful that just one individual will publish all the content accessible.

Even though your marketing director or chief marketing officer is in charge of the business's strategic messaging, it might still be possible to assign the creation and editing of content by content experts to a junior employee or a freelancer.

Controls over publishing appear to be getting a lot more attention. Different roles and access levels inside your ECMS give you security and enable you to choose the Best enterprise CMS and website that will serve as your company's public face.

For instance, WordPress has editors, authors, and administrators. Each role has its own set of skills. Even this doesn't function effectively because of the unique skills that each role possesses.

Read More: Some Popular Content Management System Examples In 2022


Every month, a high-profile data breach may have an effect on international organizations.

More than simply, your data is protected by your website's security. Additionally, it safeguards your clients from potentially disastrous abuse.

Be sure to keep security in mind when looking at content management systems.

  1. What's available on the platform
  2. Your team will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve your security standards.
  3. How secure will the data of your clients be?
  4. Business users will feel secure using your website and making financial transactions.

Multiplatform Capabilities

Managing a single platform could seem overwhelming, but it's crucial to give yourself room to grow.

Imagine you want to use a microsite to promote a seasonal promotion. It goes without saying that you'll want to use your current system to keep an eye on your content hub, statistics, and overall web administration.

That much is clear.

It won't happen if your ECMS can't manage more sites or if adding sites is too expensive.

Another illustration would be if your ECMS could be used to transmit material to a secondary screen environment, such as a kiosk or mobile app, an AR/VR viewer, and so on.

Only one platform can be handled by your ECMS (i.e., a website). Multiplatform administration with various administrative platforms will be challenging or impossible to handle if your ECMS can only manage a single platform (such as a website).

Multiplatform functionality enables flexibility and expansion for your business.

Exemplary Support

You should be commended for having excellent IT abilities to support your CMS when it encounters problems, which it will do regardless of what you do.

You can disregard this.

You can frequently ask inquiries or get answers if you have extra time and aren't scared to wait for responses. Even live support is provided by some proprietary software, but they are uncommon.

What you require, how you intend to use the CMS, and how long it takes you to repair it are all factors.

You should also take into account the possible revenue loss from not maintaining your website.

It's not a big deal if you own a small business and your website is down for six hours. There won't likely be any revenue loss throughout this period.

However, if your business is publicly traded, your website can be down the day financial results are announced.

When seeking assistance, think about the non-essential adjustments or modifications you require, as well as the types of emergency support that are offered

Tiered Permissions that Fit Your Organization

Customers bemoan the inability of their CMS to be customized. One of our most common complaints is this.

Numerous ECMS platforms provide tiers of access. That is not all, though.

For a CMS to be genuinely useful for your business, you need permissions that perform well.

Some businesses might employ a number of content writers but just one or two content editors.

Some businesses might only allow their content creators to contribute particular kinds of content delivery, like a copy, and not visuals.

Some people might only be able to publish in certain areas of the website (e.g., non-static pages).

Make sure you are aware of the choices for tiered publishing if you are shopping for an ECMS. This covers what each level is capable of, whether users can have multiple roles, and how many users each level is permitted to have.

Useful Content Templates

We frequently talk about the subject of business process automation. We seek more effective working practices that reduce waiting time and boost the effectiveness of administrative procedures.

Another way that your ECMS might increase productivity in your company is through templates.

Your publishing workflow can be greatly streamlined by using templates. You can use them as templates so you won't have to repeat the process each time a new article or document is published.

Consider the scenario if you were developing a new product for an online store.

An effective model would look something like this:

  1. Make a category drop-down menu.
  2. Your product description should have a meta description.
  3. Make a widget that lists products based on tags.
  4. To suit the requirements on the page, scale your image.
  5. A prompt to add tags and categories will appear.

Despite the fact that each activity is very brief over time (and for a large number of products), these little actions can add up to a lot of time and prevent you from updating your catalog.

This period of time is crucial to your company.

Microdata Support for Voice Search

A type of information that is published on a website and can be interpreted by Google is referred to as microdata.

Depending on how effectively it comprehends the content workflows, Google may use it in rich snippets or as replies to queries.

What microdata does is this.

Historically, having this has been more of a luxury than a requirement. More searches are now being conducted via voice search.

This indicates that as individuals use their cell phones to look for answers rather than information, microdata-driven solutions are becoming more prevalent.

The library metaphor is the most common.

A traditional search is comparable to approaching a librarian for help and having them direct you to the appropriate section (a list of URLs).

You are in charge of figuring out the solution.

A voice search is like asking a librarian for assistance. You anticipate them to respond to your question right away.

As the amount of this type of answer-driven, as opposed to information-driven, search increases with tools like Siri and Google Assistant, we may anticipate a rise in the priority of metadata results.

Microdata should be optimized for content teams by your ECMS, and you should ensure that your business is only supplying pertinent information.

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The Key Takeaways

Choosing the ideal Enterprise CMS platform is not a simple choice.

It can end up being a huge hassle for you over time or a fantastic tool for your online presence. You don't have to know anything at all to begin the process. You can create a system that works for your company instead of against it by keeping some general best practices in mind.