Are Community Banks Spending Thousands on IT Managed Services to Protect Your Financial Data?

Protect Your Financial Data with IT Managed Services
Kuldeep Founder & CEO
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MSPs are professionals who ensure banks can fulfill their operations without experiencing downtime or security breaches, keeping up with technological innovations as fast as they fully managed it services emerge.

This article presents five compelling arguments why banks require managed services. Any banking institution looking into adopting managed services must read this piece first.

Community banks must utilize technology in today's ever-evolving financial landscape to remain competitive while at the same time maintaining client security.

Unfortunately, smaller institutions often lack the resources and expertise to meet these obligations. Hence, community banks increasingly turn to IT-managed services to combat these difficulties and protect client finances.

We explore here how IT managed services help community banks secure client data.

Community banks face two formidable challenges in an age when technology dominates banking services: efficiently serving their customers while protecting sensitive data.

Though community banks have seen great gains through technological integration, cyber-attacks continue to threaten them, and they increasingly turn to IT-managed service providers to find a balance between innovation and security - the article explores this topic further.

How Can A Managed Service Provider Help Your Financial Business?

How Can A Managed Service Provider Help Your Financial Business?


Before learning why transitioning your banking operations to an MSP would be advantageous, take some time to familiarize yourself with the role and role of MSPs.

Managed service providers (MSPs), particularly in the BFSI segment (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance), are essential to maintaining an efficient workflow environment for this sector.

MSPs employ various key strategies in meeting BFSI industry-specific demands.

  1. Working closely with you and your team, MSPs are committed to supporting the objectives of banking and finance institutions.
  2. Customized service architecture: Your service architect will devise a personalized service architecture tailored specifically for you and your current IT infrastructure and internal talents, helping to control costs while mitigating risks related to business systems operations.
  3. Cloud-migrating MSPs are instrumental in aiding banks' migration strategies to the cloud. Offering expertise and guidance throughout, MSPs offer expertise for moving banking operations onto cloud computing for improved flexibility, cost efficiency, and scalability benefits for institutions of all kinds - as well as improved data security and accessibility for customers.
  4. Leveraging AI/ML Managed Service Providers help banks harness the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). MSPs assist banks in using these cutting-edge technologies for fraud detection/risk evaluation/process automation/customer service as well as any functions like fraud/risk detection/risk scoring/process.
  5. Automation/customer service and more. With AI/ML MSPs at hand, banks can utilize them to gain insights from large volumes of data while streamlining operations, making data-driven decisions, improving customer experiences, or taking measures such as fraud/risk detection/risk evaluation/risk evaluation/risk rating/risk scores to reduce fraud/risk assessments/assessments/service offerings/etc.
  6. Remediation of Underperforming Financial Systems MSPs will identify and remediate any underperforming financial system within your organization to promote high performance. We ensure efficient and seamless operations in the BFSI industry.
  7. MSPs specialize in futureproofing your business through adopting relevant, cutting-edge technologies for BFSI sectors - helping you stay ahead of market and customer demands by adopting them early.
  8. Scalability of Infrastructure Managed Service Providers allows your company to expand across all aspects of infrastructure. This enables operations to flourish and perform more smoothly while meeting regulatory requirements in BFSI industries.
  9. MSPs can tailor their solutions to address the requirements and challenges associated with banking and financial organizations, thus guaranteeing optimal performance, customer satisfaction, and regulatory compliance.

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Five Reasons Why Banks Should Collaborate With Managed Services Providers

Five Reasons Why Banks Should Collaborate With Managed Services Providers


There are five compelling arguments why banks should collaborate with managed service providers (MSPs) in their IT operations: automation, AI/ML, open APIs, and cloud migration.

  1. MSPs specialize in IT management and API adoption for banks. They help establish open API frameworks while integrating APIs into existing systems seamlessly. MSPs specializing in BFSI services can support digital transformation initiatives to deliver enhanced customer value.
  2. Enhance Security and Compliance When working with Managed Service Providers (MSPs), banks can utilize their expertise and resources to safeguard their systems against cyber attacks. MSPs remain up-to-date on cybersecurity requirements for bank processes, providing added protection. Banks can reallocate time spent training an internal IT team toward performing core business functions, saving both money and time simultaneously.
  3. Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness: For banks, managing IT departments is costly. By outsourcing MSPs' IT needs instead, banks can find cost savings while staying competitive by outsourcing.
  4. Scalability and Operational Flexibility Managed Services allow banks to adapt quickly to their operations based on evolving IT needs. They offer immediate IT support that facilitates rapid scaling without hiring new employees; seamless integration is achieved between services provided with banking applications with minimal downtime.
  5. Vendor Management for Financial Institutions Financial institutions often work with multiple IT vendors to streamline the delivery of services, making vendor administration much simpler while freeing resources to focus on core functions of business operations. A
  6. Managed Services Provider (MSP) can take over this burdensome responsibility of overseeing vendors by overseeing technical discussions and negotiations between vendors to secure optimal pricing of hardware and software required for banking applications - streamlining administration efforts while freeing resources up for more strategic operations functions.
  7. Operational Management Managed Services provide banks with peace of mind that an experienced team oversees their core systems. MSPs review and optimize system performance while anticipating potential issues before they impact operational workflows. They provide 24/7 proactive management to maintain smooth operations and business continuity, allowing faster delivery of applications and services by banks.
  8. Banks can leverage MSP expertise in automating processes using automation tools like AI/ML, cloud migration, and open APIs to stay abreast of banking industry reforms and keep ahead of its ever-evolving landscape. Furthermore, they will gain more security as they strengthen IT operations processes.

How Can Managed Services Assist Banks To Predict Spending?

As your financial institution or bank expands, predicting operating costs becomes difficult to estimate. Outsourcing IT management and operations to a third-party service provider allows you to consolidate expenses into one operational expense (OPEX).

MSPs specialize in hardware maintenance costs that help accurately predict overall budget projections.

Can MSPs Manage IT Critical Services?

MSPs can ensure that the IT services for your bank run efficiently by managing key IT components of its infrastructure and employing professionals from different backgrounds who strive to offer top-tier IT services and increase business productivity for various industries.

With MSPs as your partner in IT services delivery, you can rest easy knowing they will provide only qualified staff to manage your workflows.

They have both practical knowledge and academic qualifications. MSPs also utilize service level agreements (SLAs) and key performance metrics (KPIs) to ensure that the agreed-upon standards are met - further evidence of their dedication to providing high-quality IT services.

What are the Advantages of Hiring a Managed Service Provider?

Utilizing managed services providers offers several distinct advantages. By only paying for those services you use or require for running your IT operations, budgetary decisions become simpler by allocating money towards critical areas only.

Community Banks: 6 Critical Information Security Elements

Community Banks: 6 Critical Information Security Elements


Information security policies are guidelines designed to regulate domain and network usage and safeguard company data and customer records.

In this article, we outline key considerations community banks should consider when developing their information security plans.

Identify Your Goal:

Thomas Carlyle once famously noted that people without purpose are like ships without rudders." To start planning effectively and creating goals that lead to results for community banks, such as information policies.

Bank leaders want their bank not to become the target of another evening news story about customer data breaches; protecting their reputation and that of their clients may be top priorities for bank leaders.

When creating an information security policy for any organization, the first step must be identifying its purpose - to ensure you're working in the appropriate direction and are meeting goals properly.

Define the Scope:

Banks must create policies covering their data, applications, systems, networks, customers, and infrastructure buildings and facilities under their control to protect themselves and customers from security risks.

Failing to implement such a strategy could expose your bank or customers to potentially serious security threats that threaten its existence and customers' well-being.

Here is an example to assist your efforts and get things underway.


  1. Customer Data includes account and personal details (name, SSN, and DOB of individuals who conduct transactions, customer communications (emails, chat logs, and call recordings), transaction histories, and communications, including emails.
  2. Chat logs or call recordings. Wage/Pension records, evaluations of employee performance, etc, are also recorded here.
  3. Financial data includes Balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, tax records, and data on regulatory compliance (such as Audit reports, Risk Evaluations and Compliance Documentation, and Incident Reporting ).

Apps & Systems

  1. Core Banking System.
  2. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) System.
  3. The loan origination system.
  4. Apps for mobile and online banking.
  5. Payment processing systems.
  6. Systems of surveillance and security.
  7. Human Resources Management System.
  8. Document Management System.
  9. Tools for data analysis and reporting.
  10. Applications and services from third parties.


  1. Local Area Network (LAN)
  2. Wide Area Network (WAN)
  3. Wireless Network (WiFi)
  4. Virtual private network and remote access
  5. Segmentation of networks and network access control


  1. Retail customers
  2. Customers of Business
  3. Individuals with high net worth
  4. Service providers and third-party vendors
  5. Government agencies and regulators


  1. Branches
  2. ATMs
  3. Data centers
  4. Sites for disaster recovery
  5. Remote Offices


  1. Servers
  2. Storage Systems
  3. Laptops and workstations
  4. Mobile devices (tablets, smartphones)
  5. Firewalls and intrusion detection/prevention Systems
  6. Backup and Recovery Systems
  7. Heat and power systems
  8. Access control physical systems include locks, doors, badges, and other hardware.
  9. Environmental Monitoring Systems (smoke sensors, temperature, and water sensors)

Your Institution's Security Objectives:

Your information security policy's objectives must be clearly articulated. Simplicity should be kept at the forefront when crafting it - clear goals will make them much simpler to grasp by all involved and ensure everyone understands and accepts their role in its implementation.

You it managed services for community banks could include things such as:

  1. Protect Confidentiality and Maintain Integrity: only permitting authorized personnel access to sensitive data. * To preserve its accuracy and reliability by preventing unapproved editing, corruption, or destruction.
  2. Maintain Availability: At all times, essential systems, services, and data must remain accessible to authorized users. Its Implement Access Control: Limit system use according to roles/responsibilities with "least privilege."
  3. Increase Security Awareness: Teach employees how to recognize and respond appropriately to threats to their security, creating an atmosphere of vigilantism about security.
  4. Respond to Threats: Create proactive threat monitoring plans. Comply With Laws, Regulations, And Standards.
  5. Assess and Manage Third-Party Risks: Evaluate and Minimize Third-Party Risks associated with Partners, Vendors and Service Providers.
  6. Establish A Business Continuity Plan And Disaster Recovery Plan For The Bank To ensure that in case of unexpected events, your bank can recover quickly while continuing operations without interruption.
  7. Improvement Security Continuously: Review policies, procedures, and technologies regularly to stay up-to-date with changing threats to maintain effective protection.

Read More: What Is The Difference Between Staff Augmentation And Managed Services?

Make An Authorization And Access Control Policy:

Define resource access levels by specifying who may access each type and when. It should closely reflect employee rights, duties, and responsibilities.

It would be best to answer who, what, when, and how resources are accessed - using your organization chart (formerly Active Directory or Entra ID) or Entra ID as your starting point.

Question yourself: (WWK). WARNER FRANCIS ADS I.P

Who needs what devices, apps, and data?

Are there ways you can restrict access to specific applications and devices?

Are You Able to Track Who Accessed What, When, and How

Data Classifications And Security Levels:

Classifying and prioritizing data to ensure it can only be accessed by those who require access. Your information could fall under high-risk classification, be protected under federal law, or be classified as confidential information about customers.

In contrast, public data is freely accessible for anyone to see and use - classification is essential in safeguarding sensitive and important information within an organization.

Communication Of Personnel Responsibilities And Duties:

Lastly, your organization must explicitly outline all rights, duties, and responsibilities assigned to its personnel.

All information must be documented and distributed accordingly.

The following questions should be considered when answering this poll:

  1. Who should make decisions and changes,
  2. Who handles an employee's exit procedure, and are any training programs available to ensure all staff understand their duties and responsibilities?

Information Security Policy for Community Banks: What You Need to Know

Does your bank's information security policy meet customer demands? Are its staff equipped to manage it effectively, or could you use someone with expertise in the banking industry and cybersecurity to support this?

Ascend is here to help: Our managed service provider based out of Chicago offers experts with knowledge in every IT facet that relates to community banks, as well as ongoing adaptation and modification based on market, customer, and industry conditions.

Contact us now so we can connect you with an expert. To further strengthen your bank's cybersecurity, read our Comprehensive Guide for Incident Response (CGIR).

IT Managed Services: The Growing Importance

IT Managed Services: The Growing Importance


Community banks with limited workforce and resources often need help maintaining an effective IT infrastructure.

Still, IT-managed services have proven invaluable for these institutions in it service management solutions meeting security and technology requirements. Managed services offer several advantages that allow community banks to effectively meet security and technology demands while mitigating risks associated with maintaining this essential component.

  1. Economic Solutions The primary advantage of IT Managed Services for community banks is cost-effectiveness; with no need to hire and train an internal IT team, outsourcing all their requirements instead can drastically cut overhead costs and keep overhead expenses to a minimum.
  2. Experienced IT Managed Service providers possess extensive expertise in technology, cybersecurity, and other areas that could otherwise provide community banks access to top-tier solutions and guidance.
  3. 24/7 Monitoring Managed IT services offer 24x7 monitoring to quickly detect threats or issues and address them as they arise, helping reduce system downtime or data breach risk.
  4. Managed Service Providers Can Tailor Services to Meet Community Bank Needs Managed service providers offer tailored solutions tailored specifically for community banks based on infrastructure requirements and budget restrictions.

Ensure The Security Of Financial Data

Ensure The Security Of Financial Data


  1. Data Encryption: Managed IT services employ cutting-edge encryption technologies to protect sensitive financial data during transmission and storage, protecting it from possible interception or access by third parties.
  2. Intrusion Detection: Managed Services utilize intrusion detection and firewall systems to effectively block cyber threats from entering bank networks, providing real-time protection and responding immediately when security threats emerge.
  3. IT Managed Service Providers: ensure all software and equipment are regularly patched to address the latest security patches to minimize vulnerability while increasing overall security. This practice reduces vulnerability while simultaneously strengthening overall protection.
  4. Employee Education: Community banks will reap significant advantages by providing employee awareness and training programs. Staff will become knowledgeable of cyber threats and ways to secure sensitive data.
  5. Managed Services assist Community Banks with developing and maintaining business continuity and disaster recovery plans to quickly recover from unexpected events such as data breaches, system failures, or natural disasters.

Case Study: The Success Of XYZ Community Bank

Case Study: The Success Of XYZ Community Bank


XYZ Community Bank, located in its regional community and servicing local populations, was under pressure to safeguard customer information and modernize services.

A managed IT service provider was contracted to enhance infrastructure security & support and allow XYZ Community Bank to achieve success through managed services:

  1. Encryption and security protocols must be tightened to keep sensitive customer data private and protect its confidentiality.
  2. Implement an advanced intrusion detection system and protect yourself against cyber threats.
  3. Improve the service to their customers by offering online banking and mobile applications.
  4. Create a disaster recovery plan that allows the bank to keep operating even in cases of data breaches or system malfunction.

IT-Managed Services Are Becoming More Relevant

IT-Managed Services Are Becoming More Relevant


IT-managed services have proven to be a key resource on community banks' journey toward digitization. Their benefits provide community banks with many advantages that cannot be underestimated:

  1. Cost Efficiency: Small community banks often need more resources to build and manage an extensive IT infrastructure, which makes outsourcing IT services an efficient solution to reduce management expenses in-house.
  2. Expertise: Managed service providers offer expertise in technology, cybersecurity, and other fields; community banks can use these providers' cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices to increase efficiency.
  3. Managed Service Providers Offer 24/7 Support and Monitoring: Managed Service Providers offer continuous monitoring that allows for fast detection of issues or threats and helps minimize system and data failure risks by acting proactively.
  4. Customized Solutions: Community banks benefit from tailored IT solutions designed specifically to their budget, size, infrastructure, and existing requirements.

Securing Financial Data

Securing Financial Data


  1. Data Encryption: Managed IT services use advanced encryption techniques to protect sensitive financial data when storing and transmitting. With such measures in place, it becomes virtually impossible for unauthorized people to access or intercept this sensitive data.
  2. Intrusion Detection: Managed Service Providers utilize intrusion detection systems and firewalls to safeguard banks against cyber threats, with security measures designed to identify any breaches in real-time and respond immediately.
  3. Security Updates: Managed Service providers ensure software and hardware receive regular security patches to reduce vulnerabilities while improving overall security. Taking this proactive approach reduces vulnerabilities and enhances overall protection.
  4. Employee Training: Community banks can leverage IT-managed services to offer their staff ongoing awareness and employee education programs about cybersecurity threats, best practices, and the newest cybercrime trends - which is paramount in protecting sensitive data.
  5. Disaster Recovery Planning: Managed Service Providers can assist Community Banks with creating and executing Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plans that enable quick recovery in case of unexpected events such as data breaches, system failures, or natural disasters. These plans assist banks in recovering quickly in these instances.

Transforming XYZ Community Bank: A Real Success Story

Transforming XYZ Community Bank: A Real Success Story


XYZ Community Bank, located in its local community, needed to be more secure when protecting customer data, modernizing services, etc.

They sought assistance from an IT-managed services provider to upgrade infrastructure and security. The results were it managed services company remarkable: customers' data protection increased drastically while modernized services improved significantly due to a partnership agreement between the bank and the service provider.

The results spoke for themselves.

  1. Enhance Data Security: Data encryption protocols have been enhanced to safeguard sensitive customer information more securely.
  2. Robust cyber security: Utilizing intrusion detection systems to identify and mitigate cyber-attacks is critical in providing proper cyber protection.
  3. Enhance Customer Experience: Implement mobile applications and online banking services to optimize customer convenience and increase satisfaction.
  4. Disaster Resilience: Create a plan to continue operations following data breaches or system malfunctions.

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The Conclusion Of The Article Is:

Financial data security for community banks is vital in protecting local economies and maintaining customer confidence.

Managed IT services offer banks an effective solution for meeting cybersecurity threats and technology advancements while continuing essential services and safeguarding sensitive customer information through IT-managed services. With managed services as an aid in their plans and the economic well-being of communities they operate within, banks can ensure future prosperity and safeguard sensitive customer records from compromise.

Community banks must maintain secure financial data storage. Managed IT services provide the ideal way for community banks to meet cybersecurity challenges and adapt to technological changes while offering vital financial services in local communities, protecting client privacy, and winning over customer trust.

Financial institutions and banks alike strive to operate smoothly and profitably to deliver an excellent customer experience, and managed services can make sense when doing so.Tech can offer more details.