Maximize Your Server Migration Success with AWS: How Much Can You Gain?

Maximize Server Migration Success with AWS: Gain More!
Amit Founder & COO
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An effective IT infrastructure may vary between organizations. But generally speaking, they consist of traditional IT and public cloud-based technologies.

An IDG survey on cloud computing found that 73% of IT decision-makers have already implemented some combination of cloud technologies, while another 17% plan to do so within 12 months. Cloud technology doesn't require companies to sacrifice everything; hybrid cloud models allow businesses to reap its advantages while continuing operations on-premises environments.

Cloud migration refers to transferring digital assets such as data, apps, computing power or any other type of digital information from one provider's data centers into their cloud data centers for storage purposes.

As with all migration journeys, its meaning lies in seeking better pastures. Cloud migration is designed for organizations seeking a cost-efficient computing environment with virtually infinite opportunities, new tech innovations being released regularly and flexible scaling capacities that offer almost limitless potential.

Cloud migration is an effective alternative to hiring technologists for repetitive hardware maintenance tasks like databases and applications. Though cloud migration provides numerous advantages, an ineffective migration may prove tricky or even hazardous - this information will enable you to better understand any associated risks and ways to prepare for an efficient transition process.

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Cloud Migration: What is it?

Cloud Migration: What is it?


Cloud migration involves transitioning an application and its supporting technologies from an on-premises server data center of an organization into the data centers of cloud providers, typically moving them onto servers, storage, and networking infrastructure hosted by them.

It may involve shifting on-premises applications with supporting databases on servers, storage, and networking infrastructure of providers - possibly including moving an on-premises application with development platforms, storage capacity requirements or networking needs into these same resources provided by providers.

Every cloud migration model shifts the workload away from an organization's own data centers to an outside cloud provider's facility, where backups, security patches and feature updates are included as a service.

Cloud services tend to be cheaper than running your data center as you only pay for resources you use - companies have discovered another benefit as more businesses make this shift: their employees become freed of mundane administrative duties like "keeping the lights on" at their data center so they can focus their skillset on new opportunities instead.

As "migration", when applied to moving workloads, is an intensive endeavor requiring careful preparation and swift execution, it requires significant planning so operations continue smoothly transitioning to cloud-based software solutions.


  1. Cloud computing has rapidly become a viable strategy for many businesses.
  2. Migrating to the Cloud requires careful consideration and planning; any risks should be understood before beginning this endeavor.
  3. Cloud providers and third parties offer various tools that simplify this process, making cloud services an attractive solution even for demanding workloads.
  4. With regular improvements made by cloud service providers and innovations being added quickly, the Cloud is an appealing option even for critical workloads.

Cloud Migration Explained

Cloud Migration Explained


Cloud migration refers to moving databases, applications and computing workloads from an on-premises environment into the cloud provider's virtual server infrastructure.

This could involve hundreds or even thousands of databases or applications performing functions critical for finance, billing and human resources; supply chain or manufacturing; development environments used by developers testing new apps - or anything in between.

Migration was less frequent early in cloud computing's evolution compared to today. Over the past 10 years, IT operations have been run primarily to support new digital assets or applications introduced via public clouds; startups can quickly take an idea to market using such environments for testing.

Customers using cloud infrastructure don't need to purchase licenses or install servers. Everything is already paid for and ready for immediate use. However, public clouds require sharing resources among multiple organizations or governments and pose data security and privacy challenges that must be managed carefully; as a result, companies with data centers or government agencies that run critical applications tend to avoid public cloud services altogether.

Cloud migrations have become daily as cloud technology has advanced immensely, with providers upgrading delivery models and offering infrastructure options that meet even stringent privacy, security and performance criteria.

Cloud services are now utilized by organizations from global finance, health care, communications infrastructure and government for accessing cutting-edge technologies - with costs associated with running an organization's infrastructure typically being lower with cloud services being significantly less. How best to migrate apps and data over to an efficient, fault-tolerant cloud data center remains.

What is Cloud Migration?

What is Cloud Migration?


Cloud migration involves moving applications, data and services into a cloud service provider's data center. Creating an action plan to backup files, understand network connections and ensure data security can help to ease this transition process.

Furthermore, working closely with your provider to assess what changes need to take place for applications to function within its new cloud environment is necessary as part of the migration process, including mapping an architecture tailored for its infrastructure and security/privacy measures implemented by them.

Organizations seeking an efficient cloud migration often hire experienced cloud technicians and architects with knowledge of their provider's platform - this ensures data can always be backed up and transferred between locations easily, applications are compatible between cloud data centers and existing centers, hardware can accelerate the processing speed of applications etc.

Migrating applications/data to the Cloud can be done successfully while consulting industry experts, ensuring minimal disruption of business activities or operations.

AWS Application Migration Service: A Painless, Simplified Way To Cut Over

AWS Application Migration Service: A Painless, Simplified Way To Cut Over


Customers looking to move existing environments from Amazon Web Services (AWS) into AWS have long utilized AWS Application Migration Service.

Successful migration requires testing for shared services dependent on each other during testing or cutover; any unexpected behavior could stem from connectivity with Microsoft Active Directory, integrations between backup servers or any number of services or even unexpected behaviors caused by connectivity to Microsoft Active Directory.

This blog's goal is to identify common migration pitfalls that must be avoided for a seamless and successful move to AWS using Application Migration Service's continuous block-level replica technology, making the shift easy with minimal downtime for data and applications on source servers migrated directly from inhouse servers without testing whether everything remains exactly how it was before moving out to AWS.

Testing is essential even though replication will occur byte for byte. Each server environment differs significantly, and we must run tests against our application before fully switching over.

That is why the Application Migration Service places such emphasis on testing that it won't permit the final switchover until all test cycles have been run successfully.

AWS Landing Zone

AWS Landing Zone


At Amazon Web Services (AWS), we take for granted that you already have either an AWS site-to-site VPN or direct connect enabled for at least one datacenter on-premises, so AWS servers can connect directly to on-premise servers as required for certain applications that rely on certain services located there.

However, this connectivity isn't essential in making the Application Migration Service work effectively.

When using Application Migration Service, which server modifications occur during a Rehost/Lift and Shift process?

Application Migration Service offers post-launch configuration of instances using DHCP and installing AWS-specific drivers automatically, without further human involvement in setting them up for migration.

In this blog, we won't go into further details regarding these processes but instead concentrate on other environmental changes during migration.

Tests That Require Connectivity To Live Systems

Tests That Require Connectivity To Live Systems


Before making changes or conducting tests on test servers, verifying their server names match those used in production environments is vital.

Before initiating any modifications or conducting any tests, ensure the instance you connect has the proper name.

Data flows are essential components of modern applications. Does your app utilize FTP servers or take work off queues, for instance? Both test and production instances of an unprotected replica may process some or all of these files when put online without firewall protection; production instances could potentially miss out if queue entries or files after processing were deleted by mistake by said replica; recovery from such situations could prove challenging and time-consuming if your interface connects to external systems administered by partners outside your business.

Consider your knowledge of each system you work on. Businesses face greater risk when their application processes aren't documented properly or once proficiency has been lost about them.

AWS Application Discovery Service should help reveal communication patterns within networks.

Read More: How Do You Choose The Perfect AWS Partner For Tech Success?

Dynamic DNS Updates

Dynamic DNS Updates


Dynamic DNS registration of servers is another risk associated with Windows servers. They typically register their newly assigned IP addresses with Windows DNS when coming online by default - which can be seen under Advanced TCP/IP Settings on a Network Interface Card within Windows.

Figure 1: Dynamic DNS Updates can be initiated by registering this connection with DNS. Importantly, the Microsoft AD DNS server must write the production server correctly and route all requests directly there.

Figure 2 shows an example of the DNS configuration before any migration occurs (with client names as displayed above).

Once a Test Instance has been created, DNS will update to redirect users directly to it instead of the Production server.

Figure 3 illustrates a migration test wherein the DNS for the Production server has been replaced, so users may now access a test instance on AWS.

Users and applications will connect to the test server instead of production; this could cause issues if firewalls block connections, or users might connect unaware that they're working in testing mode.

You will have to move persistent data from this test instance into production software; DNS caching could present further complications by having some users connect directly to production while others access the testing instance - each server won't contain equal user data if their persistence data doesn't merge properly.

Avoid this by temporarily disabling Windows DNS; create and switch between static and dynamic DNS versions as required for migration waves, using AD GPOs if necessary for servers included in them - then enable these later after cutover.

However, this does not imply avoiding DNS entries in connection strings altogether. By switching over to DNS instead of connection strings during cutovers, cutovers become simpler by eliminating the requirement of updating and finding IP addresses after switching over.

Simply verify whether your DNS entry was updated successfully post-switchover. It is vitally important that this point be kept in mind to prevent problems later down the road.




Testing sandboxes may provide an effective means of mitigating many of the challenges we've discussed so far. A sandbox is simply an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) separate from aws consulting partner your production VPC dedicated solely to testing.

By restricting communication into and out of a sandbox, servers will no longer process data or update DNS servers.

To prevent apps interacting with third-party remote parties from experiencing issues, blocking the Internet can also help - we will soon discuss ways this method could present potential challenges that you must circumnavigate to use it successfully.

Connection Into The Sandbox

Your test instances won't impact production systems; however, you will not be able to connect directly to test and verify workloads work as intended.

There are multiple solutions to achieve this; here, we outline them all but don't necessarily think one option is superior to another - each approach could work.

  1. AWS Systems Manager allows secure connections with servers through AWS Portal and CLI, creating certain links.
  2. To connect, deploy a client VPN in Sandbox Amazon VPC; for added protection, use Bastion to create hosts only accessible with public IP addresses - eliminating unnecessary exposure over the web.
  3. Install servers into the Sandbox Amazon VPC using a CIDR that doesn't overlap with that of the production Amazon VPC. Set up security groups that only permit RDP or SSH communications from outside sources.

Active Directory in a Sandbox

Problematic servers generally run Windows; Linux servers may join Active Directory for enhanced service delivery and functionality.

When severed from Active Directory, many services won't function correctly. Although you could log in using local user accounts directly, some server services require that Active Directory accounts are utilized before starting or working properly.

We strive to create test environments which reflect original backgrounds as closely as possible.

Application Migration Service can replicate and provision Active Directory Domain Controllers within a Sandbox environment.

Simply bring up two domain controllers, ideally with FSMO roles, into the Sandbox; when one or more DCs cannot connect to other DCs, it will display errors, while adding two will preserve functionality even in replication failures.

An alternative method would be to connect domain controllers directly to the production Active Directory and allow them to sync, then disconnect the network and isolate Sandbox domain control after sync completion.

After testing, you must manually remove these from the production zone, restore connectivity or demote them as appropriate. Either way, will keep computer object tokens and passwords up-to-date since the sandbox domain controller should have completed recent replication activity to keep computer object tokens/passwords up-to-date and tokens current.

To keep tokens/passwords up-to-date, recent replication must have occurred between each sandbox domain control to keep computer object tokens/passwords up-to-date; they should have recently completed an Active Directory replication cycle for reproduction within that sandbox domain control, which would maintain current computer object token/password data exchange between each sandbox domain controls/production zone.

Sandbox For Testing Application Integrations

Once we've segregated test servers from other servers in Amazon VPC, integration tests between those servers no longer run smoothly - something which may cause concern; but keep this in mind: your migrated server will be an exact copy of its predecessor, so live cutover should not pose an issue as all software, configuration settings and identities of your migrated server should remain the same.

As it changes IPs, existing connectivity rules won't work anymore and must be modified accordingly. For your live switchover, we suggest you deploy a new Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance (Amazon EC2) within Amazon VPC as this can reduce any risks involved - then configure its IP address with that used by your cutover server.

As your public IP address will change when moving to AWS, conducting tests for compatibility with other services is wise.

Consider how data packets travel from an Amazon EC2 instance out into the Internet; this will enable you to locate your new public IP address, which should typically be allocated as part of an Amazon VPC egress Gateway IP block.

Firewall configuration changes may take longer when working with third parties, so completing them before initiating your switchover is advisable.

One easy method for doing so would be adding both your old and new IP addresses - then, after completion, you can request they delete any obsolete addresses as per usual.

Automated Testing / Synthetic Testing

Automated Testing / Synthetic Testing


Automating basic testing to confirm server and service functionality and checking logs to identify keywords is beneficial in reporting to operations.

However, these methods no longer suffice as systems have grown more complex and connected. When an end-user submits their order on a website, it could traverse multiple systems. Synthetic testing that sends orders, checks, confirmation emails and tests your entire business process can be more cost-effective and time-efficient than manually testing by hand or reporting to operations.

Migration projects present ideal opportunities to include these tests - even small additions should incorporate these tests.

Application Migration Service now supports custom post-launch actions using AWS System Manager documents to automate your migrated servers upon first bootup.

Specifying what actions should be taken, such as automated testing, can eliminate human error while saving time and resources, allowing a smoother switchover process.

Before switching over, the Application Migration Service will duplicate any remaining data by copying its disc image block by block.

Therefore, stopping all source server services should ensure no end users or automated processes and data flow continue while this happens; doing this ensures full replication is accomplished, giving you time to test before restarting services or reconnecting users.

Agents for backup, monitoring and other services

Agents for backup, monitoring and other services


Software agents that execute specific functions - backup or monitoring, for instance - on servers may no longer be needed with AWS as Cloud native services can perform these functions more easily - for example, Amazon CloudWatch could replace monitoring agents.

At the same time, AWS Backup could serve the same process.

Your options depend on your needs and influencing factors; consider both when planning for migration. Before opting to continue using an on-premises backup solution, evaluate:

  1. Your AWS invoice may increase due to egress charges for backups that leave AWS.
  2. This could cause lower bandwidth from AWS than would otherwise be available, thus prolonging the backup period or failing.

Security And Compliance In The Workplace

Compliance and security rules within your company could prevent accounts from using Amazon EC2 instances without AMI approval, which may present problems when moving servers using the Application Migration Service.

Engaging compliance and security teams early in your migration planning stages will enable you to obtain approvals or exceptions before beginning.

Microsoft Active Directory using Amazon EC2 private static IPs

AWS Directory Service makes managing and scaling your Microsoft Active Directory infrastructure simple and scalable.

Static IPs must first be configured to run Active Directory on Amazon EC2.

After-Migration Optimization

After beginning a migration process, consider employing AWS tools such as Compute Optimization, Trusted Advisor or Well-Architected Tool to make it as secure and cost-efficient as possible.

These will help ensure a safe migration.

Six Steps For Successfully Migrating Applications To The Cloud

Six Steps For Successfully Migrating Applications To The Cloud


Migrating workloads to hybrid clouds offers businesses increased performance, agility and data migration service workload security.

Companies can quickly migrate their workloads onto these hybrid clouds from virtually anywhere.

  1. IT resources can be made readily available as needed, which allows organizations to be more adaptable during sudden surges of usage or seasonal variations in consumption patterns.
  2. Utilizing pay-as-you-go models helps companies minimize capital expenses more than operating expense models.
  3. Use various options to strengthen security across your entire stack - hardware, software and people alike. Use these steps as an overview before beginning this journey:

Develop A Strategy

Establish your goals before beginning any journey into the Cloud. Metrics for your IT infrastructure should serve as baseline measurements to match workloads with assets and applications, and understanding your starting position allows you to develop key performance indicators of cloud migration, such as page loading times, response time, availability metrics for user agents such as browsers or server processes, CPU use rates, memory consumption rates, conversion rates etc.

Starting early is essential when developing your strategy, placing more importance on business goals than technologies.

Metrics should also be applied when measuring progress across several aspects.

Find The Best Applications

Apps designed specifically to run on public clouds don't exist yet for all applications; some apps perform better when hosted privately or in hybrid clouds; some may only need minor code tweaks, while some require extensive changes; it is much simpler and quicker to assess architecture, complexity and implementation before migrating than afterwards.

Consider these factors when making decisions regarding which cloud apps to migrate:

  1. What applications can be moved without redesign, and which require redesign?
  2. Once
  3. Redesign is necessary; what level of complexity must it reach to meet that level?
  4. What services does your cloud provider offer that allow migration without reconfiguring workloads?
  5. How soon will each of your applications reach an ROI?
  6. Which cloud infrastructure offers cost-effective and secure storage that allows applications to move into the Cloud seamlessly?
  7. Analyzing your application architecture closely and taking an in-depth view can assist with deciding what parts need to migrate.

Choose The Best Cloud Service Provider

Key to optimizing your Cloud will be choosing a provider who can guide your migration during and post-transition, answering key questions such as these:

  1. How many internal and third-party tools does the company offer to simplify life for you?
  2. How experienced is this provider in working across public, private and multi-cloud environments?
  3. What can you do when dealing with complex interdependencies, rigid architectures and redundant technology?
  4. How is support provided throughout the migration process?

Migrating data to the Cloud is no simple matter, and your chosen service provider must demonstrate they possess the capacity to successfully oversee global cloud migrations with service-level agreements outlining progress and outcomes at milestones.

Keep Data Integrity And Maintain Operational Continuity

As sensitive data could become exposed during cloud migration, validating business processes after migration is critical to ensure automated controls produce identical results without impacting normal operation.

Take A Comprehensive Approach

Service providers must implement an established and robust methodology for migrating data across borders. This should also include an effective framework to oversee complex transactions consistently across platforms - all this should be enclosed within an SLA with agreed-upon milestones to assess results and progress.

Execute Your Cloud Migration

This final step should be straightforward once all previous steps have been followed. How you migrate applications and data to the Cloud depends largely upon its complexity; once complete, traffic may switch from on-premises to cloud services.

You could move applications piecemeal until all customers have been transferred successfully or take an incremental approach by moving customers gradually over.

IT Optimization Drives Digital Transformation

IT Optimization Drives Digital Transformation


IT optimization results, including rapid adoption and cost-effectiveness, can drive digital transformation and business innovation.

By carefully choosing which workloads or applications to migrate, companies can achieve these benefits with minimum disruption to operations.

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You Can Read More About It Here:

This post will assist in mitigating migration testing risk. Here, we discussed using sandboxes to isolate test environments from production infrastructure to minimize DNS or AD issues, aws cloud migration automating testing business processes and applications, as well as the high costs associated with creating on-premise backup infrastructures for migrated servers - you should start considering ways that you can avoid issues when migrating your servers.

Please read up on our AWS Application Migration Service best practices for more insight. If additional assistance is required, AWS Marketplace provides many Partner Networks offering migration solutions.