5 On-Page Techniques: Are You Ready to Boost Your Search Engine Rankings by 50%?

Boost Your Rankings: 5 On-Page Techniques Revealed!
Abhishek Founder & CFO cisin.com
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Although you may have achieved the top of SEO today, a skilled SEO's work is never done.

You must stay current on changes to competition material and the Google algorithm. Your on-page SEO has to be flawless. Let's first give you a general overview of how Google functions and what other search engines perform before we get into the specifics.

Search Engine Basics

Search Engine Basics


Search engines use crawlers or spiders to sift through the internet. They compile a map, known as a search index, by tracking linkages between websites.

These crawlers also evaluate the content of sites as part of their exploration to determine what information is contained. This information is used by the search engine algorithm to assess if the site's information responds to users' requests.

If it adequately responds to the inquiry, it will appear higher on the SERP.

Google's algorithm is continually being updated in an effort to provide people with better results.

Rankings fluctuate as a result of frequent updates to Google's algorithm. Someone must optimize the website to make sure rankings are kept or enhanced.

What is On-Page SEO and Why Is it Important?

What is On-Page SEO and Why Is it Important?


On-page SEO is another name for the practice. Improving a page's search visibility and traffic requires making changes to the content, tags, and links on the page and many more in On-page SEO services.

It's just a method of optimizing your website to make it more understandable to search engines.

This comes with many benefits. The traffic volume is the first. 67.60% go to the first five organic search results. The next five organic results generate only 3.73% of clicks.

From there, it descends more. If you want it to come to you, you must have traffic.

Second, websites with higher rankings get more clicks. The average organic CTR (CTR) for the first mobile search result on Google was 26.9%.

Take into account that 92.4% of people who use their phones to look for local companies also go to such establishments on the same day. You can see how organic SEO may have a beneficial effect on your bottom line in this way. On-page optimization is a key factor in your organic rankings.

You should now be able to see the importance of on-page SEO. It's now time to get started.

Let's get started.

Essential On-Page SEO Factors

Essential On-Page SEO Factors


The three main categories of on-page SEO are content, HTML, and website architecture.

Each one will be examined individually.


You've probably heard the adage "content is king" before. Without it, SEO would be like a high-end new automobile without an engine.

It may seem fantastic, but it is ineffective. Content is not created equally. These are the key content elements you should consider in order to optimize your site's SEO.


Google evaluates your website using E-A-T. This demonstrates knowledge, credibility, and authority.

In 135 pages of Google Search Quality Guidelines, it is referenced. This ought to help you understand how it functions within the search engine's algorithms. Although Google has only officially acknowledged a small portion of E-A-T (PageRank, links or google search algorithm), it is widely acknowledged in the SEO community that on-page signals make up a significant portion of its assessments.

This article provides a deeper look at E-A-T.


The greatest approach to describe the content of your website to a person is through your language.

The keywords in the query's body, headers, or both will make the search terms more applicable to the sites that include them.

This is sometimes simple to locate. It will be beneficial to include keywords like "sofa," "dining room set," or "end table" when optimizing a furniture store's website.

Make careful to include long-tail keywords like [modern art deco sideboards] if you are selling furniture in a specialty shop.

In conclusion, you need to be aware of the terms that your intended audience uses while searching online.

Always do your research to ensure you don't miss any possibilities.

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SEO Writing

  1. Creating content that draws search engine traffic to your website is challenging.
  2. If you have never written a good copy before, it might be challenging.
  3. You may learn the art in its entirety in this area. But first, some crucial information:
  4. Putting readability first To help consumers rapidly discover what they need, you should create material that is simple to scan.
  5. Keep your keywords natural: Unreliable SEO specialists employed this method, once known as "keyword stuffing," to manipulate the system. Google has severe guidelines against too keyword-heavy websites. Your page can be deleted from the SERPs as a result of a search query.
  6. Shorten your phrases and paragraphs: Have you ever opened a website only to be confronted by a sea of text? Keep your words and paragraphs brief to prevent turning readers away.
  7. Utilize subsections. Using subheadings will help your page stand out. Make sure your page has lots of material to lead visitors down it.
  8. Use a list with bullets: The use of bulleted tables is an excellent approach to organizing information into manageable bits, despite the fact that it may look overly meta. You can make use of them whenever you see fit.

Visual Assets

Pictures, videos, and infographics may offer more for your website's visitors than just make it aesthetically appealing.

Also, you have the chance to raise your SEO. More than 36% of people utilize visual search while making purchases online. You lose out on traffic if you don't use graphics.

Be careful to optimize your supporting text as frequently as you can. Be mindful of the size of your photographs to prevent a slow-loading page.

Make your photographs accessible to others so they can find backlinking possibilities. You will improve your E-A-T with this.


The code that organizes your webpages and their contents is called HyperText Markup Language, or HTML.

They instruct the browser as to what should be shown and where. Also, it gives search engines information about your page and your ranking. The key on-page SEO HTML components to think about are as follows:

Title Tags

You must pay close attention to the details in this region. This code snippet, which allows you to give a website a title, is probably not going to be enough to propel you to the top of the SERPs.It may be used in conjunction with other page components (like those mentioned above) to assist you in providing context and demonstrating the relevance of your site.

The optimization of your title tags will be covered in detail in this post.

Meta Description

A seasoned SEO expert is currently examining the screen. Hey, come on, she replies, adding, "Everyone realizes that meta descriptions aren't used in SEO ranking." She's just partly correct.

It's not true that everyone is aware that meta descriptions are ranking criteria, despite the fact that there is plenty of data to support this. Don't allow Nancy's criticism to prevent you from adding them to your website. They provide two significant advantages even if SEO does not use them.

They have a significant influence on your CTRs and can aid Google in understanding your website. More descriptive meta descriptions help search engines understand your page, which encourages higher click-throughs.

Do not overlook them.

Image Optimization

  1. While the significance of visual assets for your website has previously been briefly discussed, it is now time to look at their technical elements.
  2. Here are some ideas to help you improve yours.
  3. Put SEO-friendly alt tags to use.
  4. Choose the right format and file size for quick loading.
  5. Change file names from IMG 08759 to something more unique.
  6. Images must be responsive to mobile devices!

We have another excellent resource to provide more information about HTML image optimization.

It's available here.

Geotagging (For Local Search)

Despite the global nature of the economy, most transactions are still made locally.

Connecting with your neighbors will be made easier with local SEO optimization. For huge organizations like Pepsi or GMC, this is more significant, but for small and medium-sized enterprises, this is their main source of revenue.

There are three key SEO tactics to be aware of while concentrating on local traffic:

  1. Citation building, local listing optimization, and business description creation. Receiving reviews as well.
  2. Providing location-based material, enabling "near me," and purchasing or building a local blog or website are all examples of optimizing local content.
  3. Establishing and strengthening connections with nearby firms.

Make sure your keywords contain the name of your target location in google maps.

If necessary, you may incorporate them into your material as well. Further information on geo-tagging SEO tactics is provided in this post.

Website Architecture

First, search engines will more effectively scan your website, and second, they will offer more engaging user experiences.

These are the two key advantages of a well-structured website. While optimizing the architecture of your website, bear the above in mind.

Read More: 5 Most Important On-page SEO Techniques for Higher Ranking

Site Speed

In addition to making people angry, sluggish websites lower your search engine ranks.

It was required to investigate how website load times affect SEO. This demonstrated the significance of page speed as a ranking element in search engine outcomes. Yet, the minimum speed that your website must achieve varies constantly to get potential customers through digital marketing.

You can attain it if you satisfy the required Google Core Web Vitals criteria. If your website doesn't adhere to these guidelines, you have a number of choices.

  1. Allow compression.
  2. Reduce redirects.
  3. Optimizing images.
  4. Utilize browser caches.

Responsive Design

For the first time ever, mobile search traffic surpassed desktop in 2016. This number has only risen during the intervening years.

Nowadays, mobile devices account for more than 56% of all internet organic traffic, with tablets making up 2.4%.

Google began to prefer websites with responsive design in its mobile search results after realizing that mobile users are more engaged than ever.

Only mobile search results are impacted by this update for mobile devices. Google generally advises that sites have a mobile version even though it is still feasible to rank in these results with a responsive design.

Learn more about the impact of site responsiveness on search results.

URL Structure

In the past, URLs were a crucial aspect of SEO. Professionals would make sure that keywords were included in web addresses to assist their clients in ranking better.

Google altered the algorithm like it always does. What used to be so important to rankings now has a lot less impact.

That doesn't imply that it isn't important. Search engines still factor your URLs into your final ranking, but they aren't given as much weight as they formerly did.

They may influence a site's first rating, according to research. Experts concur that people are accustomed to grouping pages. They shouldn't be your top SEO concern, but you also shouldn't neglect them, according to this.

Want to know more about URLs and Google rankings contact CISIN SEO experts.


Do you recall the initial E-A-T? Links from reputable websites are a terrific approach for your website to gain credibility and authority.

Think about it this way: Which would you like to manage your 401(k): your cousin Jimmy, who resides in your aunt's basement, or a financial advisor who manages Warren Buffet's portfolio? Jimmy may perform admirably and perhaps outperform Buffet's employees. He just lacks the credibility of a reliable co-signer. Links function similarly.

Three main types of SEO are important to understand:

  1. These outbound links send you to a different page on your website, like this one.
  2. External links, sometimes referred to as external links, are links that lead to another website, such as this one, which connects to Google's SEO page.
  3. Backlinks or inbound links are links from other websites pointing to your page.

Among the three, inbound connections are the most crucial. Although they might be challenging to obtain, inbound links are the most significant SEO advantage.

Several techniques are available for SEO experts to obtain high-quality inbound links. They include utilizing social networks, producing shareable infographics, or even requesting backlinks.

Recognize that not all incoming connections can be beneficial. A large number of links, especially those that originate from forum postings and link farms, could be bogus links created to trick the ranking algorithm.

If you disagree with them, it might lower your ranking. How and when to disavow connected sites are covered in this article.




Your content should be useful. Nobody will ever learn about your business if it isn't.

Communicating with customers is the key to being a good content creator. Content is not just about information. The best content is informative and interesting. It makes readers want to learn more.

They want to participate in the communication that you create. This will increase brand awareness and ultimately lead to customer retention.

Therefore, your content should be:

  1. Original and useful: In articles/blogs, images, videos, or infographics. This provides value to the audience and no duplicate content in content marketing.
  2. The First publication on your website: This is a great idea, but publishing on quality websites can also be great.
  3. Accompanied by text: Other content, such as images or videos, should always include descriptions.
  4. Well-researched: It's similar to answering questions that were asked by the person who started your search.
  5. It is free of low quality: This can be translated into the generic, keyword-stuffed short form or thin plagiarized irrelevance.
  6. Page Titles, Description & Formatting.

Read More: Guidelines For Boosting Rankings: A Comprehensive Local SEO Checklist

A search engine crawls a web page for page titles, descriptions, and headings to determine the high-quality content.

Your website/page is then ranked by search engines based on other factors.

  1. Titles for Pages: No pages should have the exact same title. Each page's purpose and content must be clearly understood by the user. They should be able to identify the content based on keywords and the page's focus.
  2. Meta Descriptions: When searching for a page in the results of a links search, users browse the page. It is concise and under 150 characters. These pages will be searched by search engines to determine if the query has been answered.
  3. Formatting: To make the page readable, you will need to use heading (h1) and subheadings (h2) tags. You can also use bold, italics, or underlining key parts of your web page.
  4. Images: Optimized and original images can increase the performance of your website's content audit by using a descriptive filename. It should not slow down your website's loading. Make sure to include the ALT tag in your featured image's description.

Internal Links

While it's a smart idea to link building strategies to other websites in order to increase your website's authority and credibility, internal links are just as important.

This improves user navigation and allows the website's crawlability to be properly indexed. To improve internal linking, you can use the type of content hyperlinks to direct readers to similar pages. A permanent navigation link will redirect users to the relevant pages.

Internal linking keeps users on your website longer: This allows users to search for a relevant content piece by piece, increasing interaction opportunities.

Search engines are able to see pages from other sources: Link pages direct search engine crawlers toward the linked pages.

The search engine highlights pages that are more important than others.

URL Structure

Your URL structure should be easy to understand for both the search engine and your target audience.

It is, therefore, an essential part of on-page SEO optimization. To make your URL structure successful, you must pay attention to these four elements:

  1. Permanent links: Every page has a URL. Keep it below 255 characters to keep it in search engines' good books. You can use hyphens to separate different parts or words from the URL.
  2. Category: Grouping will ensure that search engines find your pages quickly. For the same purpose, you can add as many subcategories as you wish to your website.
  3. Breadcrumbs: This website's main purpose is to make it easy for users to navigate the site.
  4. User Sitemap: An Html file that shows the structure of your site and acts as both a map for the search engine and as a location reference. An Html file is a sitemap.

Speed & Authority

Speed is often the best when it comes to online visibility. This is a Google standard, and it has been used as a ranking factor.

Make sure your website loads quickly. Page authority is another important consideration. You can achieve this by having the content written by experts or others who are familiar with the topic.

This is impossible to find, so make sure you establish authority and link web-published content strategy with your Google+ or other social media profiles.

If you're active online and share credible content, you will slowly gain valuable followers. This will improve your authority in SEO tools and search engines. Your chances of increasing your site rank are higher if you concentrate on the five elements described above.

These are the areas you should be focusing on.

Off-Page SEO vs. On-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO vs. On-Page SEO


While we've been focusing a lot on on-page optimization, there is also an off-page option.

As you can probably tell from the names, it is what happens. On-page SEO refers to everything you can internally do to improve your rankings. This includes relevant keyword optimization, calls to action, meta descriptions, and title tags, as well as alt text and website structure for search ranking.

External SEO refers to all external factors that can have an impact on your site's ranking.

This includes backlinks and E-A-T, as well as local SEO, social media mentions, and pay-per-click. While you may have more control over your SEO on the page, it is important to remember that you also need to manage your off-page SEO.

Both are essential to getting where you want to be. Before you start wasting time and money on promoting your website or building links, it's important to first build a relevant, useful webpage.

On-page SEO is an Ongoing Process

On-page SEO is an Ongoing Process


Search engine optimization is essentially about finding the best way to give searchers valuable information and making sure your website ranks high in SERPs.

You want to offer richer experiences for users and demonstrate your value to search engines. These two goals can be combined, and they are often inseparable. They all start with on-page optimization.

Begin with what you can control. Carefully evaluate your current site to identify weaknesses and potential growth areas.

All your on-site ducks should be in one row, and you will start to see results, including an organic improvement in other factors. SEO. Keep reading and working hard, and you will get the results that you want.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the umbrella for all activities that you do to improve your website's rank in targeted search engines.

The bottom line is that you want your website to be as relevant to your target audience as possible so they can search it for credibility. This will make it more valuable to search engines.

Both on-page, as well as off-page SEO, is necessary to maximize exposure. This blog will highlight the five best on-page SEO strategies that can increase your online marketing campaigns' reach with the help of Search Engine Optimization consultants.