Is Your Mid-Market Company Missing Out on Millions? Unlock the Power of AI Now!

Unlock the Power of AI for Mid-Market Companies
Abhishek Founder & CFO
In the world of custom software development, our currency is not just in code, but in the commitment to craft solutions that transcend expectations. We believe that financial success is not measured solely in profits, but in the value we bring to our clients through innovation, reliability, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

Contact us anytime to know moreAbhishek P., Founder & CFO CISIN


But that's just the beginning of what AI, machine learning, and AI can do. This guide will discuss the benefits of Artificial intelligence for business models and give some examples of where AI, machine learning, or big data could be used.

What is AI?

What is AI?


Artificially intelligent systems are capable of performing tasks that are commonly associated with cognitive functions in humans, such as playing games, interpreting speech, and identifying patterns.

They learn to do this by analyzing large amounts of data and looking for patterns that they can use to guide their decision-making. Humans will often supervise the AI's learning process to reinforce good decisions and discourage bad ones. Some AI systems, however, are designed to be able to learn on their own.

For example, they can play a video game over and over again until they figure out how to win.

Strong AI vs. Weak AI

Strong AI vs. Weak AI


AI experts often distinguish between weak AI and strong AI, as intelligence is difficult to define.

Strong AI

Strong AI is also known as artificial intelligence. It's a machine that can solve problems that it has never been taught to do.

This type of artificial intelligence doesn't exist. Many AI researchers believe that the creation of an artificial intelligence capable of performing any task with the same level of intelligence as a human.

However, the search for artificial general intelligence was fraught with difficulties.

Some believe that strong AI research is limited due to the risks associated with creating an AI powerful enough to perform any task.

Strong AI is a machine that has a wide range of cognitive abilities and a machine that can be used in a variety of ways. However, the time it takes to achieve this feat has not eased.

Weak AI

Weak AI is also known as narrow AI or specialized AI. It operates in a specific context and simulates human intelligence to solve a problem that has been narrowly defined (like driving a vehicle, transcribing speech, or curating website content).

Weak AI is usually focused on a single task that performs extremely well. These machines, while they may appear intelligent, are subject to far more limitations and constraints than the basic intelligence of humans.

Weak AI examples include:

  1. Siri, Alexa, and other smart assistants
  2. Self-driving vehicles
  3. Google Search
  4. Conversational bots
  5. Email spam filters
  6. Netflix's recommendations

Machine Learning Vs. Deep Learning

Machine Learning Vs. Deep Learning


The terms deep learning and machine learning are often used in AI discussions, but they shouldn't be interchanged.

Machine learning is the subfield of AI, while deep learning methods are a part of machine learning.

Machine Learning

Machine learning algorithms are fed by computers and use statistical techniques to "learn" to become better at a particular task without being specifically programmed.

In order to predict future output values, ML algorithms instead use historical data. To this end, ML consists of both supervised and unsupervised learning.

Deep Learning

Deep learning technique is an example of machine learning which runs inputs through a neural network inspired by biology.

The neural networks have a number of hidden layers that are used to process the data. This allows the machine to go "deep" into its learning by making connections and weighing inputs for the best results.

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Four Types of AI

Four Types of AI


AI is divided into four different categories based on how complex and what type of tasks the system can perform.

They are:

  1. Reactive machines
  2. Memory Limits
  3. The theory of mind
  4. Self-awareness

Reactive Machines

A reactive machine is a machine that uses the most basic AI principles. As its name suggests, it can only use its intelligence to react and perceive the world around it.

Since reactive machines lack memories, they are unable to make decisions in the present based on their past experiences.

Reactive machines can only perform a small number of tasks because they perceive the world directly. The benefits of intentionally narrowing the worldview of a reactive machine are that it is more reliable and trustworthy and will respond the same to stimuli each time.

Limited Memory

When gathering data and weighing possible decisions, AI with limited memory can store past predictions and data.

It is essentially looking back in time for clues about what could happen next. Limited memory AI has greater potential than reactive machines.

When an AI environment has been set up, a team that regularly trains models on how to understand and use fresh data creates a limited memory AI system.

It was built for the model to be automatically trained. Six steps are required to be taken when implementing limited-memory AI for ML:

  1. Create training data.
  2. Create the machine-learning model.
  3. Make sure the model is able to make predictions.
  4. Make sure the model is able to receive feedback from humans or environments.
  5. Data storage for human and environmental feedback.
  6. Repeat the above steps as a loop.

Theory of Mind

The theory of mind is just a theoretical concept. We still lack the scientific and technological capabilities to achieve this next level in AI.

This concept is based upon the psychological assumption that other living beings have thoughts and feelings that influence the behavior of a person.

AI machines would be able to understand how humans, other animals, and machines feel, make decisions, self-reflect and determine, and use that information in order to make their own decisions.

Machines would need to be able to process in real-time the concept of mind, the fluctuation of emotions when making decisions, and many other psychological concepts. This would create two-way communication between humans and AI.

Self Awareness

AI will become self-aware once a theory of mind is established. This could be decades into the future. This type of AI has a human level of consciousness, and it understands both its existence and the emotional state of other people.

It could understand what other people need by analyzing not only what they say but also how they say it. In order to achieve self-awareness, AI researchers must first understand the concept of consciousness. They then need to learn how it can be replicated in machines.

Artificial Intelligence Examples

Artificial Intelligence Examples


Artificial intelligence comes in many different forms. From chatbots and navigation apps to wearable fitness trackers.

These examples show the wide range of AI applications.


ChatGPT, an artificially intelligent chatbot, can produce written content in a variety of formats. It is capable of answering simple questions and producing essays as well as code.

ChatGPT was launched in 2022, powered by OpenAI. It is powered by an extensive language model, which allows it to closely mimic human writing.

Google Maps

Google Maps monitors the flow of traffic by using location data from smartphones and user-reported information on construction sites and accidents.

Smart Assistants

Natural language processing (NLP) is used by personal assistants such as Siri, Alexa, and Cortana to process instructions.

These include requests to set up reminders, find online information, and control lights at home. These assistants can learn the user's preferences over time and provide better suggestions and tailored responses.

Snapchat Filters

Snapchat filters are ML-based and use algorithms to track the facial movements of the user and adjust the display based on their actions.

Self-Driving Cars

Deep learning is evident in self-driving vehicles, which use deep neural networks for a variety of tasks, including detecting objects, determining their distance from another car, identifying traffic signals, and more.


Wearable sensors and devices in the healthcare sector also use deep learning to assess a patient's health, including blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar.

They can also use patterns derived from the patient's previous medical data to predict future health conditions.

Artificial Intelligence: Benefits

Artificial Intelligence: Benefits


AI can be used for many things, from improving vaccine development to automating the detection of fraud. AI has made waves across a wide range of industries because of its rapid adoption.

Secure Banking

A report on AI in Banking found that more than half of the financial services companies use AI solutions to manage risk and generate revenue.

AI could save up to $400 billion by applying it in banking.

Better Medicine

In medicine, a report in 2023 noted that, while AI integration into healthcare is not without its challenges, it "holds tremendous promise" as the technology could bring about benefits such as better informed health policies and improved accuracy when diagnosing patients.

Innovative Media

AI is also making its mark in entertainment. Research estimates that the global market for AI within media and entertainment will reach $99.48 Billion by 2030.

This is a significant increase from $10.87 Billion in the last two years. This expansion includes AI applications such as recognizing plagiarism and creating high-definition graphics.

AI: Limitations and Challenges

AI: Limitations and Challenges


AI, while a rapidly evolving and important asset, is not without its downsides. AI can improve productivity and efficiency while reducing human error.

There are some downsides to AI, such as the high cost of development and the potential for machines to take over human jobs. The artificial intelligence industry will create many jobs that haven't even been invented.

Future of Artificial Intelligence

Future of Artificial Intelligence


AI implementation is complex and expensive when you consider the computing costs and technical infrastructure that runs behind it.

A Law indicates that computing technology has made huge advances, doubling the number of transistors per microchip every two years while halving the cost of computers. Recent research has shown that AI innovation is actually better than Moore's Law. It doubles every six months instead of two years.

According to this logic, artificial intelligence's advancements in a wide range of industries over the past few years have been significant.

It seems that the impact of artificial intelligence will continue to grow over the coming decades. Every business is always looking for new ways to increase its profit. They require more and more optimization and efficiency.

As you would expect, artificial intelligence plays a major role in improving business processes.

AI is being used by big data companies to improve business processes. Machine learning algorithms can be beneficial to small businesses.

Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool that can speed up processes or make them more efficient.

Read More: How AI is Shaping the Future of Business World

How Does Artificial Intelligence Work in Business?

How Does Artificial Intelligence Work in Business?


AI is used in many different ways by businesses. However, the majority of applications are geared toward driving growth.

AI and Machine learning are helping business environments to improve their performance. AI can have a number of business benefits, including:

  1. Process automation can boost efficiency.
  2. Improve the consistency or speed of service.
  3. Customer insights can be used to inform decisions.
  4. Discovering new opportunities for products and services.

AI can be incorporated into almost any business strategy. It is important to understand how data analysis and collection are used in artificial intelligence before you can get started.

You can determine the potential benefits of AI by studying its methodology. Anyone who wants to learn more about the impact of AI on business can benefit from an introductory Applications of AI program such as Artificial Intelligence for Business.

AI is used more often than you may think by businesses. AI has a wide range of applications, from marketing to operations and customer service.

Here are some instances of business applications of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence can be used to optimize business processes in many different ways. Big data is all that's needed for deep learning and machine-learning algorithms to function.

You can take advantage of its potential if you have it. Artificial intelligence can be a great asset to your business.

Improving Customer Service

Have you ever been welcomed by a chatbot when visiting a website? Chatbots may be the most common way that customers interact with AI.

Chatbots are a great way for businesses to streamline customer service and give employees more time to deal with issues that need more personal attention. Chatbots use a combination between natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and AI to understand the customer's request.

Chatbots can help direct customers to the best-suited representative to answer their questions.

Product Recommendations

AI can be used by companies to suggest products that align with customer interests and keep customers engaged. You can use the data you collect from your website to present products similar to those that your customers have already seen.

This tactic is especially helpful for e-commerce companies.

Streaming services are another example of personalized suggestions. By analyzing what movies and shows you click on most often, streaming platforms are able to encourage you to stay longer on their app by showing you similar titles.

Segmenting Audiences

Advertising departments can also use AI in a similar way to recommend products to create targeted campaigns. In industries that are highly competitive, it's crucial to reach the right audience.

Companies use data to determine which users will be exposed to which ads. AI is used to predict how customers will react to certain advertisements.

Analyzing Customer Satisfaction

Companies use sentiment analysis, also known as emotion AI, to gauge customer reactions. AI and machine learning can be used to gather data about how customers view their brand.

AI can be used to scan social media, reviews, and ratings that refer to the brand. This analysis allows companies to identify areas for improvement.

How to Identify Fraud

AI can be used by companies to detect fraud and respond to it. Machine learning algorithms are used in the financial sector to identify suspicious transactions.

The application will stop the transaction if it detects a fraud risk and notify the relevant parties.

Optimizing Supply Chain Operations

AI can help if your company struggles to deliver products consistently and on time. AI-driven solutions help companies predict the cost of materials and shipping and estimate how quickly products can move through the supply chains.

These insights can help supply chain professionals decide the best way to ship products. AI can also be used on a smaller scale to assist delivery drivers in finding faster routes.

AI for Sales and Marketing Optimization

Artificial intelligence can boost sales. It can help retailers plan their store layout and predict what customers will buy.

AI can assist sellers in determining which products they should put on sale. It helps businesses target their ads at the right people and understand the reasons behind purchases.

Content Generation with AI

It can produce engaging and informative content in no time. Artificial intelligence isn't just limited to writing.

It can also create flyers, ads, and promo videos to increase your company's sales.

AI in Manufacturing

Automation and robotics are already widely used in manufacturing. Although artificial intelligence and robotics are often discussed together, traditional robotics does not feature AI at its core.

Robots do not analyze big data, nor can they learn as they work.

Artificial intelligence could change this. Machine learning and robotic process automation are used to integrate humans and robots into the supply chain.

It is also known as intelligent automation. Humans and robots should work together in the same office. Computer vision can help robots work around humans safely and can also learn from the interaction between them to avoid accidents.

Intelligent automation will help robots become more prevalent in many applications.

AI in Recruitment

Imagine the number of job applications Google receives every time they post an opening. It would take a lot of people and time to read them all.

Artificial intelligence can also help. Companies , which specialize in artificial intelligence-powered recruitment, are a good example. Algorithms analyze data from all job applications.

It can be used to eliminate candidates who are not suitable. It can help save money and time by removing the subjective element from decision-making.

AI in Security

Security should also be considered in the supply chain. Deep learning can be used for a variety of business applications that are related to security.

Businesses that deal with a lot of financial transactions must ensure their data and money are secure. AI systems are better at detecting fraud and hackers. AI models can be trained to detect fraud and hacking attempts.

AI security systems will be able to recognize an attacker faster and respond more quickly when the actual attack happens.

AI in Business Processes for Mid-Market Companies

AI in Business Processes for Mid-Market Companies


AI for Business Process Automation

Process automation is the use of technology to automate any business process and to remove the human element from it.

Each business has a number of boring and repetitive tasks. Automating such tasks is a must. Automation can refer to software, not robots.

There are numerous examples of business process automation. NASA has used RPA systems (Robotic Process Automations) to automate HR, payments, and spending.

The results were satisfactory, and the plan is to deploy more complex systems. RPA systems are the most complex, but they are also the easiest to implement.

AI for Cognitive Insight

Cognitive insight uses big data to get more out of plain data. It is often based on machine learning and deep learning algorithms.

Artificial intelligence is able to learn from data that comes from users/customers in most cases. It is the goal to increase customer satisfaction by understanding what they want. Cognitive insight is well-known. Amazon uses machine learning algorithms to pull big data from its customers.

It's the secret to their uncanny accuracy in suggesting what you should buy next.

AI for Cognitive Engagement

Cognitive engagement is the final AI application in business. This type of AI involves interactions between employees and customers using natural language.

These AI models combine machine learning and emotional intelligence and work in real time. The goal of the project is to simplify communication, data collection, and customer interactions.

Examples include bots for customer service that can partially or completely replace humans. These systems must feature natural interactions with customers and make it impossible for the user to realize that he is speaking to a machine.

It must appear real and demonstrate emotional intelligence.

AI and Business: Future Applications

AI and Business: Future Applications


The future is always brighter, no matter how far you think you've come. AI has made great strides, but it still needs to improve.

Companies that specialize in artificial intelligence are developing new solutions for the benefit of humanity. Here are some future applications that could be possible:

AI on Chip

Applications like computer vision and natural language processing are becoming increasingly popular. Silicon Valley companies will soon start shipping chips with popular data analytics algorithms.

Most algorithms can run in real-time with enough computing power! Without AI, the supply chain would not exist.

Combining AI with other Emerging Technologies

The 5G technology is slowly gaining traction around the globe. They provide opportunities for app and AI development.

The Internet of Things cannot exist without AI, as 5G is the fuel that powers it. AI algorithms are able to be transferred to data centers for faster speeds and to keep your device idle. Blockchain technology offers a decentralized, fantastic approach to finance, contracts, and other sensitive processes.

AI and blockchain are still in the planning stages, but future breakthroughs could be exciting.

Today, organizations have more information and data on their fingertips than ever before. Companies can now capture data from users with the help of new technologies.

This information with Deep learning will help them make better business decisions. Many companies have embraced AI to better utilize the data that they already collect. AI is not a technology used only by a few brands.

AI has become an essential part of several businesses around the globe.

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Final Words

Data scientists develop artificial intelligence but work for businessmen. Profit is the main goal of every business.

This is why AI applications are often related to the retail and service industries. Google, the tech giant we all know, makes its money from advertising. Businesses require AI to enhance their daily operations.

AI can assist with sales, marketing, and process automation. Each business process can improve. AI can help you if you want to speed up, reduce costs or improve a process. AI can help in some cases.

New business technologies are available that will allow AI to be used in the most effective way. The high costs of AI development are a major deterrent for most businesses.

Some people cannot afford to rent or buy data centers and purchase data. When enough artificial intelligence companies are formed, these technologies will be made available to all.