Why Choose Automated Testing Solutions? Maximize Efficiency and Minimize Costs with Our Cutting-Edge Technology!

Automated Testing Solutions: Maximize Efficiency, Minimize Costs!
Abhishek Founder & CFO cisin.com
In the world of custom software development, our currency is not just in code, but in the commitment to craft solutions that transcend expectations. We believe that financial success is not measured solely in profits, but in the value we bring to our clients through innovation, reliability, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

Contact us anytime to know moreAbhishek P., Founder & CFO CISIN


Automated testing tools enable managers to reenact activities from pre recorded activities using automation tools and compare them against predicted behaviors and their expected counterparts.

Manual test results will also be sent directly to an engineer for review. Automated software tests offer great opportunities to cover activities that would data-driven testing otherwise require costly manual testing but are functional testing simple and repeatable; smart managers recognize their importance for development initiatives' success.

Maintaining consistency of tests across successive development cycles requires running the same set of tests with test automation tools, recording and replaying them as necessary.

Human intervention should no longer be needed once an automated test suite has been designed; its ROI is greater. Test automation's primary aim should not be automating individual cases but reducing manual testing time by decreasing the human effort needed.

What Is Automation Testing?

What Is Automation Testing?


Automated testing is software testing in which automated programs execute test cases on numerous test cases automatically.

In contrast, manual testing involves someone sitting at a computer and conducting repetitive tasks all processes personally.

Utilizing automated testing software, you may feed data directly into the tested system and compare its findings against what was predicted and observed.

You may provide comprehensive test reports as a result. However, cost and resource requirements associated with software test automation are significant.

Software products are always delivered with defects despite rigorous software group testing procedures. Test engineers catch these flaws before product release; however, manual testing methods often cannot wide range identify all possible flaws.

Automation testing solutions may improve software testing to a greater extent than manual methods can.

Longstanding theories hold that automated software testing is vitally important for major software development organizations; however, desktop application smaller businesses may find it challenging and expensive to deploy it effectively.

Automation Of Testing Saves Time And Money

It is crucial to perform tests regularly during the development cycle to guarantee the quality of the software. Software tests need to be run testing types each time the source code is modified.

Each software release may be tested on all supported hardware setups and operating systems. Repeating these tests by hand takes a lot of time and money. Tests that are automated are quicker and less expensive than manual ones.

Once they've been made, you can use them repeatedly at no further expense. Automated software testing can reduce the time needed to complete repetitive tests in half. Cost savings are closely correlated with time savings.

A Vastly Large Amount Increases The Test Coverage

Automated software testing can contribute to higher software quality by broadening the breadth and depth of testing.

Long-term tests, often avoided in manual testing, can be done using unattended tests. Different configurations can be employed with even numerous exploratory testing machines. The internal states of a programme, such as memory, data, files, and file tables, may be examined via automated software testing.

This enables them to assess if it functions as planned. In each test, test automation enables the execution of hundreds of complicated test scenarios, giving coverage that is not achievable with human testing.

Tests Improve Accuracy

Even the most meticulous testers will err when performing manual testing since it is tiresome. Every time an automated load testing is run, the same activities are taken, and thorough results are recorded.

Testers can concentrate on developing new automated tests or taking on challenging features with the time saved by avoiding repetitive manual testing.

Automated Testing Does What Manual Tests CanNot

A web application can only be tested with a few users, even with the largest development departments and QA teams.

The interaction of hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of virtual users with software, online applications, and networks can be simulated through automated tests.

Both Developers And Testers Benefit From Automated Testing

Developers can use shared automated tests to find problems faster before sending them to QA. The tests can be run automatically when the source code is checked in, and the team will receive a notification if the test fails.

These features save time for developers and boost their confidence.

The QA Team And Development Teams Experience An Improvement In Morale

The team members build self-assurance, develop their abilities, and impart these advantages to their company.

Why Test Automation?

Why Test Automation?


Test automation may help make software testing more efficient, comprehensive, and quick. The importance of automated software testing is demonstrated by the following:

  1. It is expensive and time-consuming to manually test all workflows, fields, negative scenarios, etc.
  2. It is difficult to manually evaluate multilingual websites.
  3. Software testing can be automated without human intervention. Automated tests can be run unattended.
  4. Automated testing increases test execution speed.
  5. Automated testing increases test coverage.
  6. The manual testing process can be tedious and error-prone.

What Test Cases Should Be Automated?

What Test Cases Should Be Automated?


Test cases can be chosen based on the criteria below to increase automation ROI.

  1. Test Cases High-Risk - Business-Critical.
  2. Repeated execution of test cases.
  3. Manually performing test cases that are very difficult or tedious.
  4. Time-consuming test cases.

This category of test cases is not appropriate for Automation:

  1. Newly designed test cases that have not been executed at least one time manually.
  2. Test cases for which requirements change frequently.
  3. The execution of test cases regularly.

Automated Testing Process

Automated Testing Process


The Steps of an Automation Process

Step 1 Tool Selection

Step 2 Define the Scope of Automation

Step 3 Design, Planning and Development

Step 4 Test execution

Step 5 Maintenance

Selecting The Test Tool

The platform on which the Application Under Test was developed has a significant impact on the selection of Test Tools.

Informatica is not supported by QTP, for instance. You cannot test Informatica applications with QTP. It's a good idea to have a proof-of-concept tool.

The Scope Of Automation

The portion of your application under test that will be automated is called the scope. The following elements can define scope:

  1. What is important to the business?
  2. Scenarios with large amounts of data.
  3. Shared functionalities between applications
  4. The feasibility of the project.
  5. How much business component reuse is there?
  6. Test cases of varying complexity.
  7. Cross-browser compatibility with the same test case.

Planning, Design And Development

You put the following details into your automation strategy and plan.

  1. Selecting Automation Tools.
  2. The Framework Design and Its Features.
  3. Automation Items in Scope and Out of Scope.
  4. Automated test bed preparation.
  5. Plan and timetable for scripting and execution.
  6. Automated Testing Deliverables.

Execute The Test

In this stage, automated scripts will be run. The scripts need test data input before they may execute. Detailed reports will be generated after they have been completed.

The automation tool can be called either directly or indirectly through the test management tool.

As an illustration, the test management tool Quality Centre will use QTP to run automation scripts. Both a single computer and a network of machines may run the scripts.

The script may be run at night to save time.

Test Automation Maintenance Approach

A test automation maintenance method is a stage of automated testing that examines the effectiveness of recently introduced software capabilities.

Automated testing maintenance is done when it's necessary to introduce new automation scripts. By doing this, the scripts are kept up to date and become more successful with each release cycle.

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Framework For Automation

Framework For Automation


Frameworks are a set of guidelines for Automation that helps in

  1. Consistency in Testing.
  2. Tests are now better structured.
  3. Code Minimum Usage.
  4. Code Maintenance is Reduced.
  5. Reusability is improved.
  6. Non-technical testers can also test code.
  7. Training time for using an instrument can be reduced.
  8. Use data wherever it is appropriate.

Four types of automation frameworks are used for software testing.

  1. Data-Driven Automation Framework.
  2. Keyword Driven Automation Framework.
  3. Modular Automation Framework.
  4. Hybrid Automation Framework.

Automated Testing: Misconceptions

Automated Testing: Misconceptions


Automated testing is not the only way to test software.

  1. Automation of testing allows developers to spend more time on other issues.
  2. Testing by hand provides benefits. Both human and automated testing have advantages.
  3. Automation testing is a way to discourage human interaction. However, automation testing can enhance communication by creating new avenues.
  4. Automation testing is expensive. The initial cost may be high, but over time, the savings from avoiding code revisions and manual re-testing will pay for the investment.
  5. The test scripts run on all builds. Even though automated test scripts may be reusable, the scripts must still be updated to reflect newer versions of newer builds.

Continuous Testing

Continuous Testing


Organizations often adopt a continuous testing approach using automated tests. Each stage in software development requires code verification.

Due to ongoing rather than one-off tests, automated and continuous tests help eliminate performance bottlenecks more rapidly; an organization might release new software every few hours using this strategy with automated testing and continuous monitoring in place.

CI/CD pipelines rely on automated testing and deployment, giving developers greater freedom over when to release code - rather than waiting until their systems become available.

Continuous integration (CI) requires frequent, isolated changes to code that undergo immediate testing before being added into larger codebases; continuous deployment (CD) allows executable code to live in production or staging environments.

Unit Testing Automated Testing?

Unit Testing Automated Testing?


One software testing technique used in tandem with automated testing is unit testing, which involves inspecting an application's smallest components to make sure everything works as designed - this may involve reviewing each line of code individually instead of as part of an overall application - this approach may prevent bugs but limits how the issue's solution is evaluated.

Manual unit testing can be time-consuming and error-prone, eliminating much of the collaborative software development process associated with DevOps.

Automation allows for automated unit tests that feature multiple test cases executed as code lines are written, providing developers with greater insight into the overall quality and potential value of end users' products.

Automating unit tests also brings other advantages: risk reduction due to automated testing is dramatically lower, and time savings from running tests repeatedly.

Manual Testing Automated Testing?

Manual Testing Automated Testing?


Manual software testing is the opposite of automated testing in that people must create and run all tests manually.

While the extra labor may seem daunting initially, developers can learn a great deal by closely observing every step of this testing process. They must then utilize Structured Query Language queries, log analysis tools and testing input to assess software systems.

Automated testing focuses on testing the end product rather than its process phases and allows continuous testing by enabling tests to be run without developer assistance.

By contrast, manual testing requires developers to repeat each stage of the testing process in sequence.

Automation testing enables longer tests than could have been conducted through human testing to be run, without human involvement, on multiple PCs in different setups.

Read More: Implementing Automated Testing for Software Development

Automated Tool Best Practices

Automated Tool Best Practices


For maximum automation ROI, follow these steps.

  1. Before the project begins, the Automation scope should be fully defined. It is important to set the right expectations for Automation.
  2. Choose the correct automation tool. A tool should not be chosen based on popularity but rather according to its suitability for automation needs.
  3. Select the appropriate framework.
  4. Scripting Standards - Standards must be adhered to when writing scripts.
  1. Indentation, commenting, and scripting of code should be uniform.
  2. A good exception handling system - how to handle errors when the application fails or behaves unexpectedly.
  3. It is important for testers to code or standardize user-defined messages for error logging.
  1. Measuring metrics- The success of Automation can't be measured by simply comparing manual efforts with Automation but by measuring the metrics below.
  1. The percentage of defects discovered.
  2. Each release cycle requires a certain amount of time for automated testing.
  3. The release takes minimal time.
  4. Customer Satisfaction Index.
  5. Automation of testing for productivity improvement.
  1. Testing is performed using different platforms or hardware configurations.
  2. Tests that are repeated for different builds.
  3. Multiple data set tests.
  4. Testing that is impossible to do manually.
  5. Manually performing tests that would be too time-consuming and laborious.
  6. Testing of frequently used functions.
  7. Human error is a common cause of human errors in tests.

The following are other best practices:

  1. Early and frequent testing is important.
  2. Select the right automated testing tool.
  3. Automated tests should be able to resist any changes made to the user interface.
  4. Separate automated testing from manual testing.
  5. Measurable metrics include the number of defects detected or the time required for automated testing during each cycle.
  6. Order the software testing.
  7. Schedule testing automatically using a scheduling tool.
  8. Set up alerts so that you are notified if a test is failed.

If you follow the above tips, your Automation will be a success.

What Types Of Tests Can Be Automated?

What Types Of Tests Can Be Automated?


Automated tests can include:

  1. Unit Tests: This test focuses on individual code units, like functions and methods, to verify that they work correctly.
  2. Integrative Tests: This test focuses on the interaction between code units to ensure they work together properly.
  3. Functional Tests: This test focuses on the entire system's functionality to ensure that it works as intended from a user perspective.
  4. Performance Tests: This test measures the system's performance, including response time, throughput and capacity.
  5. Acceptance Tests: This test focuses on ensuring that the system meets acceptance criteria set by customers or stakeholders.
  6. Security tests: They aim to identify and fix security flaws in the system and fix them.
  7. Regression Tests: This test is designed to identify and address any unintended or regression changes that may occur after code modifications.
  8. Smoke Tests: This test is used to verify quickly that the system has stabilized after a code change, and it is worthwhile to continue with more thorough testing.

Test automation tools and frameworks like JUnit TestNG, Selenium, Appium Cucumber etc., can help automate testing.

Automation Testing Has Many Advantages

Automation Testing Has Many Advantages


  1. Test coverage increases by testing more scripts at once, the coverage of tests is increased. This saves time for manual testers and relieves them of their burden.
  2. Automated testing is more accurate; manual testing can lead to errors, but automated testing allows for the same accuracy.
  3. Automated testing can save money. Bugs are detected early in the development process and corrected. The overall cost is reduced once the automated framework has been set up, despite the initial high costs.
  4. Regression testing is reduced; manual testers are freed up from monotonous regression tests by automating regression with the help of testing tools. Testers can spend more time on value-added tasks.
  5. Automated testing can simulate certain tests that manual testers cannot perform. For example, controlled web application test simulations are possible with automated tests but not by manual testers.
  6. Automated testing reduces testing time by automating manual scripts and performing regression tests. Automated testing is time-saving as tests can be run continuously.
  7. The same test script can be reused with only minor modifications in automated testing. Reusability facilitates testing and allows for the scripts to be saved and reused when needed.
  8. It is helpful for both developers and testers. Since the tests are run automatically whenever the source code is changed, and they notify testers of issues that arise, this tool can be very useful to both.
  9. Automation helps businesses complete testing faster and more accurately, leading to a high return on investment.

Test Automation Benefits Are:

  1. 70 per cent faster than manual testing.
  2. Test coverage for application features is now wider.
  3. Reliable results.
  4. Ensure consistency.
  5. Savings in Time and Money.
  6. Increased accuracy.
  7. No human intervention is required during the execution.
  8. Increased Efficiency.
  9. Tests can be executed faster.
  10. Test scripts that can be reused.
  11. Test frequently and thoroughly.
  12. Automation can increase the number of cycles that can be executed.
  13. Markets open early.

What Is The Best Automation Tool To Use?

What Is The Best Automation Tool To Use?


It cannot be easy to choose the best tool for your needs. The criteria below will guide you in selecting the right tool.

  1. Environment Support.
  2. Easy to Use.
  3. Test Database.
  4. Object Identification.
  5. Image Testing.
  6. Tests for Error Recovery.
  7. Map Objects.
  8. The Scripting Languages Used.
  9. Support for different types of tests - functional, Test Management, Mobile, etc.
  10. Support for Multiple Testing Frameworks.
  11. Automated software is easy to debug.
  12. Recognize objects anywhere.
  13. Test reports with extensive results.
  14. Reduce the cost of training for selected tools.

One of the main obstacles that must be addressed before automating is the choice of the appropriate instrument. Determine the requirements first, investigate the tools' capabilities, and establish your expectations.

Proceed with a Proof Of Concept after that.

Read More: What is Better Automated or Manual Testing?

Automated Testing Tools

Automated Testing Tools


There are several functional and regression testing tools available on the market. The top test automation solutions have received certification from our specialists of Automated Testing Tools.

Test Rigor

You may write your tests in plain English as executable specs using TestRigor. Any user may design end-to-end tests that encompass API, mobile, and web phases and range in complexity.

Rather than just depending on implementation details like XPaths and CSS Selectors, the test stages are defined at the level of end users.


  1. Download the free version forever.
  2. The test cases will be in English.
  3. Users & Tests Unlimited.
  4. Learn Automation the easy way.
  5. Recorder for web steps.
  6. Integrating CI/CD with Test Case Management.
  7. Test Email and SMS.
  8. Test Web, Mobile and API in One Step.


Mabl, the most intelligent low-code alternative, is the best test automation option for teams working quickly. The whole team may create, carry out, and maintain Reliable web browser tests.

End-to-end automated testing is also included throughout the whole development cycle.


  1. Designer of low-code UI tests with automatic-healing.
  2. Email and PDF tests, as well as cross-browser testing.
  3. Low-code API test designer, Postman-compatible.
  4. A11y performance and testing insights.
  5. CLI Tools and Native CI Integration.
  6. Jira Integration with Comprehensive Diagnostics Data.
  7. Parallel testing and unlimited local tests.
  8. Reporting that is comprehensive and insightful.


Kobiton's mobile device testing platform offers scripted and non-scripted automation options. The user has the ability to design manual tests that can be repeated automatically on numerous devices.

Just a handful of the test automation frameworks that Kobiton supports include Appium, Espresso, and XCTest. They furthermore provide scriptless Automation with NOVA AI.


  1. Kobiton's Device Lab Management will allow you to connect to devices on the cloud and your on-premises and local devices.
  2. Users can create automated test scripts by converting test sessions from manual to scripts.
  3. Integrate your defect management software to log tickets and debug sessions automatically when a crash occurs.
  4. Kobiton's Appium Anywhere ensures that your tests run the same way on all devices, resulting in fewer flaky scripts.
  5. Kobiton's scriptless test automation creates Appium standard code that is 100% open source for flexibility.


One of the most effective tools for automating browser testing is LambdaTest. A quick, safe, and scalable selenium grid is available for users to perform tests on.

Both the most recent and older browsers are supported.


  1. Test execution is quick and seamless with the latest technology stack.
  2. Test cycles can be shortened by parallel test execution.
  3. Integration with CI/CD, project management and team communication software.
  4. Users can perform geolocation testing on their websites.
  5. Multiple APIs are available to users for data extraction.
  6. All major frameworks and languages are supported.

Avo Assure

Avo Assure provides intelligent and heterogeneous automated testing without requiring any code. Avo Assure allows you to automate test cases and execute them without writing a line of code.


  1. 100% no-code.
  2. Heterogeneous test on the web, Windows, Non-UI platforms (web services and batch jobs), Android and IOS mobile devices, ERPs and Mainframes and their associated emulators.
  3. Testing for accessibility.
  4. Smart scheduling allows you to test cases independently in a single VM or simultaneously. Schedule execution during non-business hours.
  5. Reporting that is easy to understand and intuitive.
  6. Pre-built keyword pack with 1500+ keywords.
  7. Integrate with Jira and other tools such as Jenkins, ALM QTest, Salesforce Sauce Labs TFS etc.


Regression testing may be done using this tool. Regression testing is made possible by this open-source testing tool's recording and playback features.

Only Mozilla Firefox is supported by Selenium IDE as a web browser.


  1. The software allows you to export scripts in Java, Ruby RSpec, Python C# and other languages.
  2. Use it with JUnit or TestNG frameworks.
  3. The software can run multiple tests simultaneously.
  4. Selenium autocomplete commands which are commonly used.
  5. Tests of Walkthrough
  6. The element is identified by id or name.
  7. Tests can be stored in HTML, Ruby Script or any other format.
  8. It is possible to see the title of each page.
  9. This file supports the selenium User-Extensions.js File.
  10. This feature allows you to add comments right in the middle of scripts for easier. understanding and bug debugging.

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Test automation - automated software testing - can significantly accelerate, make it more efficient, and cover more ground for software testing.

TAMA stands for "Test Automation Maintenance Approach," an approach used in software maintenance to test newly added software features.