What is the Open Web Application Security Project?

Open Web Application Security Foundation offers free resources and advice regarding application security to educate web application developers about potential software development risks.
OWASP supports commercial and open-source security software solutions, making its website an invaluable resource for IT professionals and security specialists who want to learn more about protecting the security of their applications.
How Can Owasp Help Your Security Initiatives?

OWASP strives to educate all those involved with software development - architects, designers, developers, managers, and business owners - about the significance and implications of web security issues and their consequences for them. Their goal is to educate stakeholders in responsible software engineering practices.
Security Knowledge Base
OWASP is an online wiki created through nearly two decades of security research from top security scholars and ethical hackers. Members collect vulnerability data about hundreds of companies, thousands of software programs, and other sources to share knowledge and exchange ideas about cyber threats, vulnerabilities, and countermeasures.
Examples and Risks
OWASP offers code samples and applications with known security flaws to help developers learn how to avoid them. They also provide tools for threat modeling, architectural analysis, and mitigation of risks.
OWASP compliance
OWASP can be an invaluable asset to software development teams that incorporate it into their lifecycle process. Information obtained can help develop risk management policies and increase credibility; additionally, OWASP provides code review frameworks, guides, and penetration manual testing best practice documents to assist teams in accurately measuring risks for specific environments. OWASP offers team standards to strengthen application security and reduce vulnerability risks.
Important OWASP Projects
The OWASP Foundation provides funding and summit funding programs to aspiring projects looking to enhance software security. Conferences and chapters bring users and projects together.
OWASP was developed entirely through volunteer effort, and project leaders must craft roadmaps, vision statements, and tasks to market their projects successfully. Today, OWASP supports over 100 projects with new applications coming through every week--this means a large portion of support still comes via applications submitted via its portal.
OWASP Projects provide an ideal forum to test new ideas and gain support from the OWASP Community. Each project features its mailing list, Slack Channel, and web page for communication among participants; many also maintain content through GitLab within OWASP.
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OWASP Top 10 Series

The OWASP Top 10 List provides an exhaustive listing of vulnerabilities found within web applications. Data analysts identified eight threats, while an industry survey identified two. They were initially intended as an educational resource. Compliance regulations like PCI DSS cite this list as the industry standard for testing, training, and development activities.
Why the Top Ten List of OWASP is Important
Web application vulnerabilities, or software flaws that exist within web-based software applications make them prime targets for hackers who seek ways to exploit vulnerabilities that target browser-friendly apps as an entryway into exploiting them.
Web applications benefits may contain numerous security flaws; hundreds of holes have already been uncovered! Don't assume a website application is free from vulnerabilities!
OWASP Top Ten List provides development teams with an effective means of prioritizing mitigation efforts and quickly fixing vulnerabilities identified during development or after. Businesses can rapidly begin working toward fixing any identified flaws immediately, during, or after development.
OWASP Cheatsheets
The OWASP Cheat Sheet Series offers straightforward guidance to application developers and security defenders. These guides focus on providing simple but actionable guidelines rather than detailed and impractical ones.
Zed Attack Proxy from OWASP is an open-source penetration testing tool specifically tailored for web applications offering flexible and extensible functions - like serving as an intermediary proxy between the testing browser and the evaluated app.
OWASP ZAP can intercept, inspect, and modify messages sent between web browsers and tested applications before forwarding them as appropriate. It can be used standalone or with software development daemons for optimal use.
OWASP Dependency-Check
Software Composition Analysis from OWASP aims at identifying publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in your project's dependencies or dependencies. This is done by performing dependency checks using CPE identifiers. Once found, a link with details about any related CVE entry for that dependency will be generated.
OWASP Juice Shop
OWASP's Juice Shop has been intentionally made unsecured to train security personnel. It was built using JavaScript and has many hacking challenges at different levels. This helps users learn about web app safety and provides practice in a sophisticated web environment.
OWASP's Juice Shop is helpful for a variety of security-related tasks:
- Security techniques and practices are taught in this course.
- CTF (Capture the Flags) competitions are also known as CTF.
- Demonstrations of awareness are held throughout the year.
- Test security tools or develop them from scratch.
The simulation environment includes a Top 10 List of security flaws and real-life examples.
Security for Application Development eb
OWASP SAMM was developed with support from various industry groups as a strategy for assessment and improvement to increase software security posture across companies of all sizes. OWASP SAMM provides companies of all sizes with a practical, measurable means for measuring and improving long-term software security posture.
Self-assessment software can be an excellent way to teach employees about the significance of software security within an organization and raise awareness. Implementation and strict adherence help increase trust in source code security.
Top 10 Web Application Security Vulnerabilities according to OWASP

We've compiled a top 10 list of risks, and we will show you what to do about them.
Broken Access Controls
Access permissions should limit who has access to sensitive information. If access controls are not working correctly, unauthorized users can gain entry to sensitive data without their permission or knowledge.
To ensure proper access control,
- Implementing strong privacy and application security controls will help you secure the lifecycle of your applications.
- Use pre-built components that are secure.
- Use threat modeling
- Include security controls in user stories.
- Verify the plausibility of all aspects of your application.
- Separate different application levels.
Cryptography Failures
Cryptographic vulnerabilities are often caused by incorrect encryption protocols and methods, such as old ciphers or improper implementation.
Secure your data with robust encryption algorithms
- Turn off the autocomplete function and cache any forms that collect data.
- Reduce the size of your data.
- Secure data during transit and at rest.
- Implement up-to-date encryption.
- Save passwords by using adaptive hashing.
Injection Vulnerabilities
SQL injection attacks exploit these vulnerabilities by inserting malicious commands into applications, making websites vulnerable to attack. To combat injection attacks:
- Even if the data is directly from an end-user, it comes from unreliable sources.
- Separate data and commands to prevent applications from executing data provided as commands.
- Use parameterized SQL queries.
- Use a secure API instead of an interpreter.
- Use intrusion detection and server-side validation to detect suspicious behavior.
Design flaws
Most applications requiring more secure design or threat modeling have design flaws compromising their security. This makes it challenging to determine business risks and the appropriate level of protection.
To ensure secure design:
- Implementing strong privacy and application security controls will help you secure the lifecycle of your applications.
- Use pre-built components that are secure.
- Use threat modeling
- Include security controls in user stories.
- Verify the plausibility of all aspects of your application.
- Separate different application levels.
Misconfigurations in Security
When web application development security settings are not correctly configured, attackers can use default credentials to launch attacks.
Security configuration errors should be avoided
- Use the same configurations to harden all environments.
- Remove any unnecessary features or components.
- Include configuration updates, reviews, and patch management in the patching procedure.
- Segment your application's architecture to contain threats.
- Automating verification processes to evaluate configurations.
Outdated and Vulnerable Components
Attackers can exploit software and components that are outdated, unsupported and contain known security vulnerabilities.
Protect applications from vulnerable components
- Regularly test and scan for vulnerabilities.
- Please keep track of all components and their dependencies.
- Remove all redundant components and features.
- Only use components from reputable suppliers that are signed.
- Monitor libraries and components for unpatched or neglected items.
Authentication Issues
The weak identification and authentication mechanisms allow attackers to steal or breach credentials with brute force.
To prevent authentication vulnerabilities:
- Use multi-factor authentication.
- Close sessions that are expired or inactive.
- Use strong passwords instead of defaults to avoid using them.
- All attempts to log in should be monitored.
- Protect user sessions with a session-management tool.
Integrity Vulnerabilities
Data and software integrity is a crucial component of app security. Integrity verification is necessary to prevent exploits. An example of this would be insecure deserialization, where applications don't deserialize objects containing vulnerabilities, allowing attackers to alter data on the backend.
To ensure integrity:
- Software and data can be verified by using digital signatures.
- Make sure dependencies and libraries only consume trusted repositories.
- Check for malicious codes and configuration changes.
- Configure the CI/CD Pipeline using a segmented and secure approach.
Monitoring Security And Logging Faults
Both detection and response processes can lead to errors. Monitoring and logging are vital tools for spotting breaches in security quickly, keeping track of what happened, and giving IT/security teams a way to respond appropriately and promptly.
It is essential to ensure that proper monitoring and recording takes place.
- Log all validation failures with context for forensics.
- The logs should be easily readable.
- To prevent injection attacks, encode all log data.
- Audit all high-value transactions.
SSRF Vulnerabilities
The server-side request forgery (SSRF) is an exploit that allows attackers to deceive servers to send malicious HTTP traffic in any direction. This vulnerability is often caused by applications that fail to validate user input. Attackers often use this vulnerability to bypass firewalls and access controls.
Preventing SSRF
- Segment sensitive resources to minimize their impact.
- Use policies to block or deny malicious traffic that is not essential.
- Validate and clean up data provided by users.
- Allow lists can be used to restrict access.
- It is not advisable to send clients raw responses.
- Disable HTTP Redirection.
OWASP Top 10 API Security Threats

OWASP has released its API Security Top 10 to inform organizations about security concerns affecting APIs. Below is a brief overview of the 10 top API risks.
Failures of Object-Level Authorization
APIs can expose endpoints for object identifiers. The attack surface increases. All functions, including user input, should be subjected to object-level authorization when accessing data sources.
To prevent broken object-level authorization:
- Install a system to detect and fix authorization problems at the object level.
- Use robust authorization mechanisms
- Use API Gateways
- The threat modeling tool is an essential tool for evaluating the authorization policy.
Failures of User Authentication
Attackers often exploit authentication mechanisms incorrectly configured to steal tokens and impersonate users.
To protect user authentication:
- Verify the user's identity by using multi-factor authentication.
- Block access after several failed login attempts.
- Secure user credentials
- Use robust API keys
- Use the ASVS for system authentication.
Data Expositions
Many developers present too much information, hoping that users will filter it out before they are presented.
To prevent data exposure:
- Use a proactive strategy to build APIs with security.
- Refrain from relying on your clients to filter data.
- Reduce the number of backend responses.
Rate Limitation & Insufficient Resources
Many APIs do not restrict resource requests. This opens the door to DoS and brute force attacks.
These flaws are easily mitigated.
- Make sure that the API is configured with the correct rate limits.
- For more information about bots consuming computer resources, refer to OWASP's Automated Threat Handbook.
Failures of Function Level Authorization
Complex access control systems increase the chances of authorizations and policy configurations not working. Attackers exploit these flaws to gain admin and user access.
To prevent broken function-level authorization:
- Ensure that the access control policies are well-defined and clearly state who has what access.
- Ensure that everyone knows their responsibility.
- Audit the access control system regularly.
Mass Assign
Mass assignment can be caused by unfiltered data from client-bound models. The attacker could read the documentation or guess an object's properties.
Avoiding mass assignments
- Penetration testing can help you identify security flaws.
- Don't directly translate client data to internal variables.
- Lists of properties are helpful.
Misconfigurations in Security
Incomplete or default configurations can cause security misconfigurations.
Avoid security configuration errors
- Check the system for misconfigurations periodically.
- You would be better off if you didn't rely on defaults.
- Use scanning and testing software to check the applications.
- Don't include sensitive information in error messages.
Injection Vulnerabilities
These vulnerabilities include SQL, NoSQL, and Command Injection flaws. These vulnerabilities are caused by attackers sending malicious data to an interpreter that executes unauthorized commands or exposes sensitive data.
To prevent injection attacks:
- Validate inputs using an Allow list.
- You can process API calls using parameterized interfaces.
- Limit the number of records returned by using filtering logic.
Asset Management
Documentation for APIs is crucial since they expose more devices and endpoints than web application development services.
To ensure proper asset management:
- Keep a list of APIs.
- Verify the security of all APIs.
- Standardize API Functions
- Prioritize APIs according to their risk level.
Combined with incident management and response, monitoring and logs allow organizations to identify and stop attackers. If they are not being monitored, attackers can avoid ever being discovered.
To ensure adequate monitoring, recording and:
- All APIs must use the same standard format for logging.
- It is essential to monitor API Endpoints through their entire lifecycle.
What are the top 10 OWASP vulnerabilities?

OWASP Top 10 Report provides regular updates highlighting security threats faced by web applications and 10 of the most pressing vulnerabilities, with contributions from security experts around the globe. It serves as an awareness document, suggesting companies incorporate it into their processes to reduce or mitigate security risks.
According to OWASP, here are the Top Ten Security Threats of 2027:
Injection attacks occur when untrusted data is introduced into an application through forms or other data sources without prior user authentication or approval. SQL Injection involves placing SQL code directly into forms expecting improperly secured usernames to gain entry and perform attacks against an application or database.
Injection attacks can be prevented by validating and sanitizing user submissions to websites. Validation involves rejecting suspicious entries, while sanitization involves cleaning data for improved presentation. An administrator can set controls that limit how much of their users' information might be exposed in an injection attack.
Broken Authentication
By exploiting admin credentials, attackers can access user accounts using insecure authentication systems. An attacker could use a script to test all username/password combinations obtained from a breach.
Two-factor authentication can help mitigate authentication vulnerabilities. One way to limit login attempts is by setting a rate limit.
Exposed sensitive Data
If web applications fail to secure sensitive information like passwords and financial details appropriately, attackers could gain access to them for malicious use or sales. One method thieves utilize to gain entry is through on-path attacks.
Web application security developers must take special precautions to protect themselves against storing unnecessary data of this nature. Caching refers to temporarily saving information for later usage; web browsers offer this feature that saves pages for easy viewing without downloading them whenever a visitor returns to visit their page(s).
External Entities
Erroneously parsing XML means exploiting security flaws within its parser, such as providing input to external entities or manipulating its operation to send sensitive information without authorization - potentially placing sensitive data within their possession.
Website applications that utilize JSON** data types or patches to XML Parsers that turn off external entities in an XML App may help shield against XEE. XML stands for Extensible Markup Language and was meant to be both machine and human-readable; due to security threats and complex syntax, however, its usage has decreased considerably on web applications.
JSON is an easily understood format used for internet data storage and transmission. While initially intended as part of JavaScript development environments, it supports many more programming languages today. It is accessible directly by web crawlers as text data.
Broken Access Control
Access control systems provide both informational access as well as functional functionality. By bypassing authorization systems, hackers may gain unauthorized entry to data stored there if these controls are breached. For instance, web apps like WordPress allow users to manage their accounts by altering only their URL addresses.
Use Authorization Tokens* to secure access to web applications using strict controls for their implementation.
Logging into any service rewards the user with an authorization token that must be presented each time access is sought - providing a quick way of verifying who requests access without constantly inputting login credentials.
Security Misconfiguration
One of the most common security weaknesses is misconfiguration. It is common for users to see too many error messages or default settings. This can expose vulnerabilities within the app.
Cross-Site Scripting
Cross-site scripting attacks can be launched against web applications that allow users to make code visible to all other users, exploiting this vulnerability to execute JavaScript code maliciously in victims' browsers. An attacker could send emails purporting to come from trusted financial institutions with links leading to websites hosting potentially hazardous code that, when clicked upon, can execute via browser inflection on websites without sufficient protection against cross-site-scripting vulnerabilities.
Mitigating cross-site scripting involves validating or sanitizing valid user content and escaping HTTP requests that shouldn't be trusted. Modern frameworks like ReactJS or Ruby on Rails may help protect against cross-site scripting attacks.
Insecure Deserialization
Serialization and deserialization are terms often used to refer to this threat. Serialization refers to converting code objects to another format for storage or streaming. At the same time, deserialization reverses this process by turning serialized data back into usable objects that applications can reuse again.
Deserialization attacks caused by using data that cannot be trusted can have serious repercussions, including DDoS attacks or remote code execution. Although tracking attackers is possible through methods like monitoring the deserialization process or typing checks, it would be prudent to avoid deserializing from untrustworthy sources altogether.
Components with Vulnerabilities
Libraries and frameworks have become an indispensable assets to modern web developers, helping reduce repetitive work while adding necessary functionality. React's front-end framework, for instance, or smaller libraries providing share icon support or A/B testing may all serve this function well - yet malicious attackers continue to target these components to exploit vulnerabilities; many popular components can be found across thousands of websites, making one vulnerable component potentially make all those websites susceptible.
Hire Web application developers may use less up-to-date versions or patches for component components. Therefore, developers must identify unutilized parts and confirm their source; staying informed is crucial!
Inadequate Logging & Monitoring
Web apps must take measures to detect data breaches quickly, giving attackers time to respond before being noticed by security analysts. According to OWASP recommendations, developers should create logs, monitoring tools, and incident response plans to be aware of attacks against their applications.
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By identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities such as MITRE 25 issues, Business Logic Vulnerabilities, OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities for web apps/APIs/web services APIs, etc, or MITRE's Top 10 Vulnerabilities on APIs/web apps respectively, you can significantly decrease both technical debt and security burden - scan early, often and on every build to do this effectively!
Utilizing an OWASP scan is the fastest and most cost-effective way of discovering vulnerabilities quickly and cost-effectively. We provide automated pen-testing for businesses and organizations so we can detect vulnerabilities rapidly.