This guide will cover web development basics, creating websites, and other resources that can be used to help you learn more or even become a developer.
Are you ready to get into website development? Or do you want to use the chapter links to navigate the guide?
- Web Development Basics.
- Different types of web development.
- The Web Development Process.
Why is Web Development so Important?

The Internet isn't going anywhere. It's become a primary way to research, connect, educate, and entertain the world. There were more than half of the world's internet users in 2023. It's not surprising that web development is an industry in rapid growth due to the ever-increasing Internet use. The employment of web developers is projected to increase by 13% between now and 2030. This is much faster than other careers in technology.
We'll cover web development basics and answer common questions in the next section.
Web Development Basics

- What is a website?
- What is an IP Address?
- What does HTTP stand for?
- What is Coding?
- What does front-end refer to?
- What does the back end mean?
- What is a CMS?
- What is cybersecurity?
Let's now look at some basics of web development.
1. What is a Website?
Websites are files that are stored on servers. Servers are computers that host websites (fancy term for "store file for"). These servers are connected to the Internet, a huge network. Browsers are computer programs that load web pages via your Internet connection. The computers used to access these sites are called "clients."
2. What is an IP Address?
Accessing a website requires knowing its Internet Protocol address (IP). An IP address is a string of unique numbers. An IP address is a unique string of numbers that identifies a device from all the other connected devices and websites via the Internet.
You can type "What is my IP address" in your browser to determine your device's IP. Although you can access any website by its IP address, most Internet users prefer domain names or search engines.
3. What Does Http Stand For?
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) connects you and the website request to the remote server, which hosts all website data. It is a set of protocols that specifies how messages should be sent over the Internet. This allows you to navigate between sites and websites.
HTTP is a protocol that allows clients (computers) to type websites into their web browsers or search the Internet for information. It provides a framework that allows them to speak the same language as each other when they send requests and receive responses. It is the translator between you, the Internet, and your website request. It reads your website request and interprets the returned code for you as a website.
4. What is Coding?
Coding is writing code to run servers or applications that use programming languages. These are called "languages" as they contain vocabulary and grammatical rules allowing computers to communicate with them. They can also contain special commands, abbreviations, and punctuation, only accessible by programs and devices.
Every software program is written in at least one programming language. However, languages can vary depending on the platform, operating system, and style. All languages can be classified into the following two categories: front or back-end.
5. What Does Front-End Refer To?
Front-end, or client-side, is the part of a website you interact with when you use it. Front-end coding languages transfer website information from a server to a browser. This allows the website to work without the need to "communicate" constantly with the Internet.
Front-end code allows users to interact with websites and play videos, magnify or minimize images, highlight text, and many other things. Front-end web developers work on client-side development.
6. What Does The Back End Mean?
The server side, or the back-end or server side, is the part you don't see when you use the Internet. It is the digital infrastructure. To non-developers, it looks like a collection of numbers, letters, and symbols.
Many back-end programming languages are more popular than front-end languages. This is because the front-end browsers can only understand HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. But a server at the back end can be configured to understand any language.
7. What is a CMS?
A content management system (CMS) is a web program or series of programs that allows you to manage and create web content. CMSs can be used in place of site builders like Squarespace and Wix.
Although a CMS is unnecessary to build a website, it can make things much easier. The CMS provides the necessary building blocks, such as plugins and add-ons, and allows you to create the structure using your code. Although CMSs are most commonly used for ecommerce and blogging, they can also be useful for any website.
8. What is Cybersecurity?
Malicious actors always look for website vulnerabilities that could expose private information, steal data, or crash servers. Cybersecurity refers to protecting data, networks, and computers from such threats.
Hackers are constantly developing new methods, and security measures to protect themselves are continually improving. Failure to fully understand the potential ways your site could be targeted can lead to disaster.
Effective web development requires a solid understanding of cybersecurity best practices. Security audits should be performed on a regular basis. Let's now look at what types of web development a designer could specialize in.
Different Types Of Web Development

- Front-end Development
- Back-end Development
- Full Stack Development
- Website development
- Desktop Development
- Mobile Development
- Game Development
- Embedded Development
- Security Development
You can learn about the various Web Development Services available to you, whether you want to hire one or become one. These are the various areas in which web developers may work. These distinctions may overlap, and web developers can often be proficient in multiple types of web design.
1. Front-end Development
Front-end developers are responsible for the user-facing or client-facing side of software, websites, and programs. In other words, what users see. They create and design the visual elements, such as the layout, navigation, and graphics.
These developers are responsible for creating interfaces that allow users to reach their goals. This is why they often also influence the user experience aspects of their projects.
2. Back-end Development
The front end represents what users see. However, the back end is what they don't see. Back-end web developers are responsible for maintaining the integrity of software, websites, and programs.
These developers are responsible for programming code, security, content, and site architecture. To bring their products to the users, they work with front-end developers.
3. Full Stack Development
Full-stack developers can work on both the front-end and back-end of a website. Full-stack developers can build a website, an application, or a software program from scratch. "Stack" refers to the various technologies that manage different functions on the same website (e.g., the interface, server, etc.
This role is highly sought-after because full-stack developers must have years of experience in the field. They can optimize performance, spot issues before they happen, and assist team members in understanding different parts of a web service.
4. Website Development
Website developers can work in the front end or back end. These professionals are experts in building websites, not mobile apps or desktop software.
5. Desktop Development
The custom software applications built by desktop developers are locally run on your device. If an application can run online and offline, the key skill sets of desktop developers can overlap with those of web developers.
6. Mobile Development
Apps for mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones, are created by mobile developers. Mobile apps work differently from other websites and programs. This requires a different set of demand skills and knowledge in specialized programming languages.
7. Game Development
Game developers specialize in writing code for video games, including console games (Xbox, PlayStation, etc. This speciality is somewhat similar to mobile development.
8. Embedded Development
Embedded developers can work with any hardware that doesn't have a computer interface or screen. These include electronic interfaces, consumer devices, IoT devices, and real-time systems.
The demand for embedded development is growing with the recent increase in interconnected devices, such as smart appliances, Bluetooth technologies, and virtual assistants.
9. Security Development
Security developers create methods and procedures to ensure the security of software programs or websites. They are often ethical hackers and work to "break" websites to reveal vulnerabilities. These developers also create systems to detect and eliminate security risks. Let's now get into the web development process.
The Website Development Process

It's not as simple as just 1-2-3 to create a website. Every website development path is unique depending on its type, programming language, and available resources. This section briefly overviews web development and introduces the most popular languages and CMS options.
1. Make a Plan
Establishing a plan for your website before you start writing is important. These are some questions you should ask before creating your first site draft:
- What's the purpose of your website?
- What are you looking for in your audience?
- What kind of website are they building? (e.g. (e.g.
- What content do you want to publish, and in what quantity?
- What is the purpose of this content?
- How can you design your website to provide the best possible navigation experience?
- How much do you have to spend?
To answer the questions, you must communicate with your web development, marketing, and financial teams to establish your priorities and make informed choices. Establishing a plan at the beginning is much easier than reversing your progress when you hit a roadblock.
2. Make a Wireframe
Every website is built from a blueprint. This is what developers call a wireframe. This doesn't need to be an official document. It's just a vision for your website that will give you and your developers direction and a place to begin. It can be drawn on a whiteboard or use tools like Invision, Slickplan, or Mindnode.
Wireframes can be used to visualize the layout of web pages. To understand how your content will appear on the front end, you can use empty boxes and "dummy texts." Your developer should create wireframes to help you visualize what you want.
3. Create a Sitemap
Next, you need to create a website map. This is not to be confused with a sitemap. XML. It's an XML file that search engines use to crawl your site and help them find it. A sitemap is similar to a business plan, which gives potential investors insight into your goals. It also gives developers the information they need to achieve your vision. Either you can create your sitemap yourself or collaborate with your developer.
These are some questions you should ask when planning your website:
- Which pages are you looking for?
- What content will you find on these pages?
- How do you group these pages into categories?
- How do you structure your pages?
- How will they link together?
- What pages and categories are most important to your site's user experience and website?
- What pages or categories can be combined or removed?
It's a good idea to consult other departments within your Web Development Company. Your SEO and content strategy teams will provide valuable input regarding your pages' linking structure and categorizing.
4. Your Website Code Should Be Written
Next is the writing of the code. Developers will use different coding languages for both the front-end (back-end) and the various functionalities of websites (such as design, interactivity, etc.). These languages can be used together to build and manage your site.
Let's begin with the most common languages.
Since the 1990s, HyperText Markup Language has been in use. It is the basis of all websites. It represents the minimum amount of information required to create one. Although it is possible to create a website using HTML only, it would not look very attractive.
JavaScript and CSS are languages that enhance and modify the HTML code-based site structure. HTML5 is the latest version, and it supports cross-platform browser functionality. This makes it popular for mobile application development.
Cascading Style Sheets were developed in the late 90s. It is a way to add design elements, such as typography, colors, and layouts, to websites to improve their overall look. CSS lets developers transform websites to reflect the design you have in mind. CSS works with all browsers, just like HTML5.
JavaScript is the cherry on top of all coding languages. JavaScript was created in the mid-90s and enhanced websites' functionality. Developers use it to create animations, automate pages and add interactive features that improve user experience.
JavaScript is constantly evolving. JavaScript was once considered a "toy language." Still, it is now one of the most popular coding languages in the world. It's now a back-end coding language thanks to Node.Js. It is the first language browsers can understand, and many have even suggested using machine learning.
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the three main components of web development. They are used in some way by almost every website. Many other languages, including server-side languages such as C++, Python, and SQL. However, these languages are essential to website development.
5. Create The Back End For Your Website
Although writing code is one of the most difficult parts of web development, it is not the only part. Your back-end and front-end site structures and designs must also be built.
The back end stores the data necessary to enable the functionality of the front end. Facebook's back-end stores, for example, my photos so others can view them. It consists of two components:
- Databases organize, store, and process data to make it retrievable via server requests.
- Servers are hardware and software components of your computer. Servers are responsible for sending, processing, and receiving data requests. They act as an intermediary between the database's client and browser. The browser will tell the server that it needs this information. The server will then know how to retrieve and email the information from the database and email it to the client.
These parts work together to create the foundation for every website. Back-end developers are responsible for three things when building your website:
- Your logic is a set of rules that govern how your website responds to certain requests. It also determines how objects on your website interact with each other.
- Your database management is what your website will use to organize, manage and retrieve its data.
- Your infrastructure is the way your site will be hosted. Although hosting your site yourself will allow you more control, it is also more costly and will require you to take care of your server security and health.
These components and decisions will make your website ready for front-end development.
Note: The back end is somewhat peripheral to web development. You don't need it if you aren't storing any data. Data refers to any user-entered information you need to store and persist. Consider logging in to a website. How can they remember your login information if they don't have access to a back-end? Or your profile settings? This information is only available to you if you have a back-end.
Facebook, for example, must know who is on your Friends list, which events you have attended, what posts you have created, and many other details. All of this "data" is stored in a database. They wouldn't be able to access any of this data if they didn't have a back end with a database.
A website that is purely informative and does not require users to input any data would not need a back-end. If you don't have data, back-end development is not necessary. However, this doesn't mean you should ignore the basics. It's never too late to learn the basics.
6. Create the Front End for your Website
You're likely to have experienced front-end web development if you've ever tried your hand at web design. It's important to focus on the front end. This is what customers, visitors, and users see and how they will use your website.
Front-end development (or client-side) includes a combination of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It controls typography, fonts, positioning, browser compatibility, responsiveness, and navigation. This section will show your original site vision and what was included in your wireframe.
Client-side coding is more likely to be obsolete than back-end development as technology and consumer preferences evolve. This is where coding resources, such as the ones below, come in handy.
7. Optional: Work with a CMS
A CMS is more flexible than coding "by hand" or from scratch. This makes you less likely to have complete control over your front end. A CMS is simpler to use; you don't have to write as much code. It often includes tools to host the site, store user information, create landing pages, capture leads, and even build an email list. You'll be able to make your website more lucrative with half the effort.
Many CMS options include plugins that eliminate the need for coding a back-end. There are WordPress plugins that allow you to store eCommerce data. Instead of creating a complex back-end to charge credit cards for customers, you can use an existing plugin.
Cyber Infrastructure Inc. and Joomla are the most popular content management systems. WordPress has over 65% market share. (In this instance, we are referring to open-source WordPress software, not WordPress site builders.
8. Register a Domain
Your website will now have an IP address. A domain name is also required. This is a unique name your visitors can use to find your website. You can also purchase domain names through website builders or hosting services like WordPress.
9. Start Your Website
You're now ready to publish your work online once you have set up your domain name and linked it with your host. However, it would help if you still did a few things before launching your site. These include defining your team's responsibilities, testing the site for errors, optimizing your SEO, and final checking before you "flip the switch" and make your site live.
The Internet is here to stay, constantly evolving to meet users' needs. Web developers are at the forefront of all these innovations and improvements. Web development is everywhere, from this blog to your favorite social networking site to the apps you use on your smartphone. It's worthwhile to take the time to learn programming and coding to make your website the best possible for your customers and yourself.