It is interesting to think of the fact that top Android App Developers today can develop an endless number of applications with just a spark of an idea. The needs of the Android App Development Services are unfortunately not prioritized today and we are not doing enough in order to aid Mobile Application Development Companies and create an environment of rapid and exponential growth in this department.
Google has come up with certain innovative features in the form of app bundles to assist in this process. This can be the onset of a new environment for the Android App Development Services which can boost the performance and morale of Android App Developers.
There are a lot of issues faced by Mobile Application Development Companies in the development of android applications that can be efficiently maintained and used. The bulkiness of programs, security issues, inaccuracy, and troubleshooting are a few to mention. Application size and compression become a major issue with a massive number of Android apps being used in our day to day lives today.
If the app is too large in file size, it poses installation problems along with the issue of taking too long to load. The irony here is that this is the issue with most advanced applications that are programmed in a detailed way to provide a better experience. Due to more lines in code and a large memory occupation, it not only takes more time but top Android App Developers are also unable to provide the best experience to the users. Sometimes independent applications require a reference code to call back certain functions.
This forces the Mobile Application Development Companies to maintain multiple sets of codes which is not only redundant but also takes more space. Sometimes during the process of compression, to maintain the file size, the quality of the app is degraded. Android App Development Services have been dealing with this challenge of being able to formulate a short but highly efficient code. There are several security threats that are also faced in the process of android app development. Some applications use the personal information of users for various purposes. It, therefore, becomes an obligation to keep this protected from third party interests. These issues obstruct top Android Application Developers from using the most advanced features despite their availability due to such practical problems.
Google's Android app bundle has come up with certain new features in order to resolve these issues.
- It solves the problem of application with a slow user interface by facilitating small apps. Such applications can load faster and will consume less time during the installation process. When advanced applications are built, they tend to have a lengthier source code. This naturally tends to require more space both while being developed by top Android App Developers as well as during an active download by the users.
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This creates a lot of lagging during usage especially in the case of devices with a lower RAM. It also makes the use of advances applications very unpleasant and undesirable for the users. This problem can be completely solved here as the apps can be compressed to a lesser size without compromising its quality.
- It has added features for Android security for Mobile App Development Companies to be able to create and develop trustworthy apps. It is commonplace for applications to exist with the intent of malpractice today. In such a scenario, it becomes very difficult for users to trust anyone application, especially if it involves the use of personal information. This feature can go a long way in creating an added sense of security.
- Instant application development is another feature that will enable top Android Application Developers to build independent apps without any sequence. Multiple code rephrasing can be avoided as all the necessary programming can be integrated with a single code.
- Easy conversion and upgradation will be made available which can be a great way for Android App Development Services to maintain the standards of their apps with growing advancements in technology. Sometimes conversions in the application can be really cumbersome as the compatibility with newer versions can pose some issues. This feature can help resolve that, and in general, improves the quality of android experience.
- Crash reports can be helpful in identifying the shortcomings of the applications. Sometimes applications can crash due to malfunctions with no apparent reasons. This feature of providing a crash report can help in analyzing the flaws and can be instrumental in the process of future developments in that area.

Overall, Google has come up with a variety of features to improve the quality and ease of android application development.