Why Settle for Generic Dashboards? Maximize Your Analytics Potential with Customized Solutions - Gain Up to 50% More Insights!

Customized Solutions for Maximized Analytics Potential
Abhishek Founder & CFO cisin.com
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Dashboards provide a convenient means of keeping an eye on key performance indicators and customer behavior. This guide guides creating dashboards tailored specifically for your company's needs and using interactive elements to increase engagement and information provision.

What Exactly Is A Dashboard For Custom Data Analytics?

What Exactly Is A Dashboard For Custom Data Analytics?


Custom data analytics dashboards offer users a straightforward summary of key performance indicators (KPIs). By visualizing multiple points at once, dashboards allow users to identify patterns and trends in the data easily.

Dashboards consist of graphs and charts designed to give an easy snapshot of data. Information may be organized based on time, geography, or product categories - making for quick understanding.

Why Do You Require Personalized Data Analytics Dashboards?

Why Do You Require Personalized Data Analytics Dashboards?


Custom data analytics dashboards provide organizations with an accessible overview of key metrics in an easy format, making accessing relevant information effortlessly.These tools allow business intelligence to monitor the key performance indicators most essential to them - such as customer satisfaction, acquisition of new customers, or sales performance.

What Is The Purpose Of A Custom Data Analytics Dashboard?

What Is The Purpose Of A Custom Data Analytics Dashboard?


Marketers, businesses, and professionals needing to analyze and understand data utilize dashboards quickly. Professionals in finance, advanced analytics, and operations management use dashboards as a quick way of keeping an eye on trends while tracking performance indicators.Marketers can use dashboards to track website analytics and social media activity and measure campaign success.

Data analysts and scientists utilize dashboards to explore their data and discover actionable insights. At the same time, data engineers and developers also rely on dashboards as monitoring platforms for applications and services they support.

Healthcare industries may use dashboards for monitoring patient records and tracking medical equipment performance.Dashboards in Education serve a dual function: tracking student progress and performance and measuring teaching methods' efficacy.

Why Is It Critical To Have A Bespoke Data Analytics Dashboard?

Why Is It Critical To Have A Bespoke Data Analytics Dashboard?


An effective data analytics platform enables businesses to make data-driven decisions quickly and precisely.Business users can identify risks and opportunities more readily when given an overview of all data collected.

What Are The Advantages Of Custom Dashboards?

What Are The Advantages Of Custom Dashboards?


Custom dashboards offer unparalleled benefits when tracking and visualizing data efficiently and effectively. Users can create personalized dashboards by designing their design elements - giving them complete freedom over their dashboard layout to suit the unique requirements of their particular use case.

Custom dashboards provide another efficient means of keeping up with data from various sources - both internal and external - providing you with a fuller perspective.


Users with intuitive dashboards are able to identify patterns and trends without needing to know complicated analytics solutions or visualization techniques.

Intuitive and mobile-friendly dashboards enable users to engage with data while on the move. Such dashboards are responsive, meaning they adapt seamlessly across different screen sizes and devices and provide users with an uninterrupted user integrator with experience.


As more users access data through mobile phones, mobile dashboards have grown increasingly popular among consumers, who can now gain access to it anytime and from any place thanks to these dashboards.As part of creating your dashboard design, it is critical that you take into account different device screen sizes and resolutions when designing it.

Integrating data across various systems is another excellent way of unifying information from CRM and ERP systems.Finding correlations and data-driven insights into customer behavior is simpler with integrated dashboards presenting data attractively.

Optimization is one of the primary advantages of analytics dashboards, making your dashboard user-friendly and effective through optimization.

Optimizing can take various forms - organizing metrics logically, refining widget layouts, or selecting appropriate chart types for your data - all make the career experience smoother for everyone involved.The order of widgets must make sense; for instance, from most important to least significant or frequently utilized widgets should be intuitive.


Custom data analytics dashboards offer several advantages, including their scalability. Your dashboard can adapt according to the size and complexity of the tasks at hand.And quickly make changes to your dashboard without needing to learn new software.

Any data-driven company will find it essential to design and build custom dashboards for data analytics solutions.

Dashboards enable businesses to visualize and understand data quickly, helping spot trends quickly.

Understanding your target audience is key when designing a data analytics dashboard, so as a designer, you should strive to do just that.

Once you know who will use it and their desired goals, designing it becomes simpler.Understand your audience and their needs.

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Steps To Create Custom Dashboard

Steps To Create Custom Dashboard


Step one of creating a custom dashboard for data analytics involves understanding your audience. Knowing who will use it and for what purposes helps ensure your dashboard will meet all their requirements; to do this, you may ask yourself the following questions.

Establish Your Objectives.

Determining your goals will enable you to create a data analytics dashboard tailored to your needs. Your goals can help determine what metrics and data should appear on your dashboard as well as any required design elements.

Are You Tracking Individual or Aggregated Data? To build the perfect dashboard tailored for yourself and meet your unique requirements, define exactly which data points and measurements you wish to track and why they matter for your specific purposes.

Select Relevant KPIs

The first step to creating a data analytics dashboard: select relevant KPIs (Knowledge Performance Indicators). KPIs track organizational performance and provide data-driven insights into whether objectives have been accomplished.

When selecting KPIs for a dashboard, they must fit with its purpose. For instance, if the goal of your dashboard is client engagement, then KPIs like customer engagement, average purchase size, and customer lifetime value would likely prove useful - while website traffic, lead generation, and satisfaction metrics also prove worthwhile.

When selecting KPIs for use in your dashboard, it is crucial that you consider which data will be necessary for its analysis.

For instance, if the goal of your dashboard is financial performance tracking, KPIs such as revenue, cost of goods sold, or profit margin can all serve this function effectively, as well as gross margin, return on investment, and net income figures.

Consider what data types will make up your dashboard. If the purpose is staff performance tracking, key performance indicators (KPIs) such as employee turnover rate and hours worked may be included; other KPIs might include employee engagement rates, training completion rates, or absenteeism levels.

Your dashboard could include KPIs like average duration or cost for projects; customer satisfaction scores; ROI-Driven CTO calculations; milestone completion or project milestone completion dates etc.Careful consideration must be made when selecting KPIs to include in a data analytics dashboard for maximum benefit.Establish Your Goal.

Before creating your data analytics dashboard, you must set specific and measurable goals. Doing this will allow you to decide what metrics and data will go on it.

Use Your Data To Tell A Story And Share Insights.

Businesses can leverage data to gain valuable insight into their customers and operations, improve performance and make better data-driven decisions by communicating and telling stories using this information.

Designing an effective dashboard requires consideration of how data manipulation can create a narrative. An easily understandable dashboard must select appropriate graph types and metrics while organizing its contents logically to convey meaning to its readers.

An effective dashboard in a data analytics application must communicate information quickly and concisely, such as using key metrics and color-coded indicators to convey that message.

You should also give context for each piece of information gathered - for instance, if an indicator has an unusually high value, its display must be highlighted within the dashboard.

Give Your Numbers Context.

Context is essential to creating a custom dashboard for data analytics. Context is important for viewers to understand what the numbers mean and why they are so significant.

Viewers may need more context to understand important information and interpret data.

It's crucial to keep the audience in mind when providing context. What are they supposed to understand about the information? What are the key concepts they must understand to be able to make informed decisions using information?Include context when you provide additional information, such as data source, timeframe, assumptions, and limitations.

Avoid Clutter And Prioritize Simplicity.

Designing custom dashboards for data analytics must avoid clutter and prioritize simplicity in order to provide users with an enjoyable user experience.

Disorganized or overcrowded dashboards are difficult to read and may overwhelm their target user group, while clean dashboards offer an overview of data.You can best visualize your data by choosing the ideal dashboard type and chart.

Use a limited color scheme and pay close attention to contrast; you will create a dashboard that looks attractive while being easily understood.Maintain consistency in the graphics used throughout your dashboard to ensure all elements can easily be identified and are organized in Their Place.Last, Ensure That Your Content's Focus Remains Key And Allows For Margins.

Select The Appropriate Dashboard And Chart

Select the most relevant dashboard type and chart when designing a data analytics dashboard. There is an abundance of different charts and dashboard types available depending on what data needs visualizing.

Bar charts can be useful when it comes to tracking sales or documenting changes over time, both of which could benefit from being visualized graphically.Scatter plots provide an effective means of visualizing relationships among variables and can also help detect correlations or outliers.

Round Your Figures

Rounding can take many forms; most people opt to round numbers to the nearest whole. This method of data display provides no decimal points and makes the number more digestible for everyday readers.

Round to the nearest hundredth or tenth if needed; this provides an easy way of providing specific numbers without too many decimal places being displayed on the screen.

If a number contains 4.8776, you could round that to 4.91 or even 4.88 without too many decimals being shown on screen.

Rounding numbers to their nearest multiple can help when creating graphs or charts to show data visually by grouping like-numbers for easier grouping and better visual display.

If a number contains 4.876, you could round that up to 5 or 4.5 as appropriate for a better presentation of that figure.

No matter which choice is selected, rounding must always be carried out accurately to represent original data accurately and avoid discrepancies when used for charts and graphs, as it could impact accuracy.

Limit Your Color Palette And Pay Attention To Contrast.

Designing dashboards for data analytics requires selecting from a limited palette and paying close attention to color contrast, with appropriate shades drawing your eye directly toward those elements which matter, while undesirable hues make the data hard to interpret.

Using colors strategically can make for an easier reading experience, while inappropriate ones could make reading your information harder than necessary.

Muted hues like blues, grays, and greens work best when displaying financial data. Information with brighter shades like oranges, reds, and yellows can add visual interest when representing customer retention.

Color contrast should always be considered when creating a dashboard since high-contrast colors will draw your eye directly to key dashboard components.

In contrast, those of lower contrast might make a differentiation between elements easier. For instance, when showing data through bar graphs, using colors with higher contrast levels simplifies distinguishing individual bars.

Consider how your target audience will interpret the colors you select before choosing them for your dashboard. Researching what these hues mean within their culture could prove particularly insightful.Make a dashboard visually attractive and accessible by employing a limited color palette and paying close attention to color contrast.

Keeping Graphic Integrity And Consistency

Maintaining visual continuity is paramount to creating an impactful and successful timely solution when designing an effective dashboard for data analytics.

To this end, all components within the dashboard - layouts, charts, graphs, and widgets alike - should share an identical visual style to ensure an engaging experience for viewers.

Maintain a uniform chart type throughout your dashboard to facilitate its user's ability to easily recognize and interpret its data.

Doing this ensures they can easily recognize what data is presented and understand its importance to their understanding of it all.

The Emphasis On The Most Important Information

Focusing on what matters when designing a data analytics dashboard requires selecting metrics and visuals which allow your users to make sound decisions.

As part of your dashboard selection process, its goals must be considered when choosing metrics. A dashboard should clearly state its purpose as well as any key predictive insights from its analysis.Visuals used to display data must be clear and easy for readers and viewers to interpret, with colors and shapes that make interpretation easy.

A dashboard layout plays an essential part.

Make Sure To Overcrowd Your Dashboard With Enough Information.

Remember this when creating custom dashboards for data analytics: less is often better. A dashboard containing too much data may overwhelm viewers, making navigation difficult.

Avoid cluttering the dashboard with irrelevant details by only showing relevant ones - only displaying essential pieces of info as necessary!

Prioritize simplicity over complexity when making data selection business decisions. What type of information will they need to make informed decisions, and how much data do they require to interpret its meaning? Prioritization simplicity as part of making an effective data decision-making process.

Allow For Large Margins

Margins should always be considered when designing a custom dashboard for data analytics. Margins are white spaces between elements on a page that serve as visual cues to draw the reader's eyes toward important details.

With plenty of margins left unreduced and unedited on any given dashboard page, you can make it more aesthetically pleasing and easily understandable by keeping readers focused.

Remember that your margin sizes depend on how large the dashboard's content will be. As a rule of thumb, at least an inch should remain unfilled around its edge to promote harmony and equilibrium in its appearance.

Margin requirements between elements should always be wide enough to differentiate clearly, especially on websites displaying charts or diagrams.

When placing them online, at least half an inch must be left between your chart and other elements or text so it stands out more and can be more easily read by visitors.

Make Use Of Interactive Elements.

Interactive elements can be an engaging way to engage your audience and give your dashboard an engaging feel. Use interactive elements to communicate complex data easily and understandably while using them as data analytics tools for highlighting key insights or trends.

Create menus with interactive elements so users can select an individual metric and reveal more specific data. This provides context while encouraging deeper exploration of data.Visualization tools for business like heat maps, scatterplots, and pie charts allow for fast communication of complicated information while helping quickly compare different data sets.

Animations May Be Used To Highlight Significant Findings.

Animations can be an excellent way to quickly highlight key trends and insights within your data, drawing users' attention to specific changes over time while simplifying complex information for easier consumption by users.

Furthermore, using animations allows them to enjoy an enhanced interactive customer experience. Animations can help demonstrate changes over time and show relationships among data points such as customer satisfaction and sales.

Do Not Overwhelm Audiences With Real-Time Information

Keep this in mind when creating customized dashboards for prescriptive analytics: all data doesn't have to be presented in real-time in an accessible fashion.

Otherwise, this may cause your audience to become disoriented and confused. Instead, focus on presenting only relevant and essential details.

Dashboards must be designed with simplicity in mind when displaying real-time data. A dashboard with too much information may become disorienting and distracting for readers, so focus on providing only essential facts in an accessible, easily understandable fashion utilizing charts or graphs for illustration.

The frequency of updates can also be crucial. Too frequent an update could become distracting and cause audience disengagement.

More updates could make data appear outdated; therefore, the frequency should depend on data type and dashboard purpose.

Optimize Your Dashboard For Use On Multiple Devices

Dashboard design involves optimizing custom dashboard data analytics for use across devices, which requires considering how it will appear and making any necessary modifications.

Hence, it looks its best wherever people access it from.

Remembering the display size and space requirements when designing for mobile viewing can help your dashboard appear optimally on mobile devices such as phones or tablets.Consider also your monitor resolution and available space when creating your dashboard display.

Consider screen resolution and window sizes used by viewers of the dashboard.

Think About How You Will Use Your Dashboard It Is Internal Or For External Display.

Before designing a data analytics dashboard, you must consider its intended use. When creating one for internal or external consumption, it would be best to consider key things.Dashboards for internal use must be easily understood, intuitive, and organized.

Created with external presentations in mind, dashboards must be tailored specifically to their target audiences, making the charts easily readable and visually attractive, quickly conveying real-time insights and data and enabling quick analyses of key insights and figures.When developing a dashboard design, consideration should always be given to user needs since an approach tailored specifically for their audience will likely result in greater success.

Read more: Creating User-Friendly Dashboards For Mid-Market Companies

Create Widgets For Your Dashboard.

Create Widgets For Your Dashboard.


Add widgets to create an engaging dashboard. These interactive visual formats display data quickly and engagingly - perfect for graphs or charts.

A widget provides an efficient means of quickly communicating data in an effective manner that engages visitors quickly.

Widgets must be located where they can easily be seen and accessed, making reading data simple while taking up as little space on the dashboard as possible.

A small widget makes reading data difficult, while large ones take up additional room, causing clutter on a dashboard.

Once you choose a widget of appropriate size and location, you can start customizing its contents - such as data, colors, chart types, or graph types you select can all be changed according to your specifications.

Furthermore, interactive features like tooltips or hovering text may provide context to data.

Add A Widget

Editing widgets when customizing a dashboard for prescriptive analytics is key to personalization and relevance.

By changing its parameters, you can make it more suitable to meet your needs.

  1. Clicking on the widget you would like to alter will bring up a menu with options tailored specifically for it, such as changing its type, color, or size.
  2. Click "Save" to save and apply your changes, which are visible on the widget.
  3. You can add a dashboard widget by clicking the "Add Widget" button. A window will pop up, allowing you to select which widget type to add.
  4. Once you select a widget, it can be customized according to your tastes.

Clone a Widget

Replicating and making minor modifications to an already existing widget are simple tasks.Click on the widget you would like to copy, its settings will be shown, and a "Clone" button at the top of your settings panel can create an exact copy.

This button creates a replica of what was being duplicated.

After you clone a widget, you are free to make all necessary modifications - such as changing its name or data source, adding and removing data points, and altering widget settings.Once satisfied with your changes, click "Save." Your widget will appear on your dashboard just like any other.

Create Segments for Your Dashboard

Data analytics dashboards include segments to help users more accurately interpret trends. Filter data using segments based on variables like gender, location, and age.

If you need to compare performance between countries, creating a segment in your dashboard would help achieve that task.

Change The Dashboard Layout

As part of designing your dashboard, you must remember various key points when creating it. First and foremost is size - ensure the dashboard can accommodate the data/information that needs to be included without becoming overwhelming.

Furthermore, consider the order of data/information when planning.

Remove A Dashboard

Clicking "Delete Dashboard" from the drop-down list will give you a confirmation box that should prompt a final "Delete." Finally, to complete deletion click "Delete."Once deleted, all information related to it will also be completely eliminated and lost forever.

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Data analytics dashboards can be an invaluable asset to businesses of any size.

When designed properly, custom dashboards offer businesses an interactive way to visually represent data, recognize trends, and make more informed choices about future smarter decisions. They're custom-tailored to an organization's requirements, so data analysis and communication are much simpler. Businesses can utilize dashboards to maximize the use of their data by understanding its purpose, key benefits, and design considerations.