What is Software Project Management?

Generating innovative technology requires hard work. To ensure its timely development within budget constraints and on schedule, an organized environment must be provided for its delivery; hence the term Software Project Management refers to this practice of overseeing software development projects from start to finish.
Gantt Chart was introduced during the early part of the 20th century as project management became widespread among organizations and industries of all types, such as manufacturing, IT marketing, and finance construction. Here's a short history of project management methods.
Project Management Guide
Do you want to optimize your project management? Our comprehensive project management guide contains tips, best practices, and resources for overseeing projects more successfully.
Why is Software Project Management Important?

Software project managers bear great responsibilities beyond simply keeping projects within their timeline and budget; their aim should be to align projects to business goals while producing quality outcomes.
Software development carries with it numerous risks and obstacles - untested technologies, ineffective development methods, staff turnover, and management changes, to name just some of these obstacles. Other issues arise during software creation, like managing stakeholder politics or communicating effectively between developers, end users, and stakeholder groups - any inability to address such problems could result in a poor definition of requirements for systems and subsequent issues that arise as a result.
Business process management services offers project managers an effective tool for overcoming the complex realities of project administration by encouraging end-user involvement and creating an open and accessible environment. These capabilities will assist project managers with setting realistic goals for their projects, accurately estimating resource requirements, tracking progress effectively, and dealing with commercial pressures effectively. It provides strategic alignment, leadership planning, and practical quality assurance against chaos while meeting commercial pressures head-on.
What Are The Types Of Software Projects?

Software projects fall under several distinct categories depending on factors like end users, company type, and intended usage. Here are some more prevalent software project types:
- Software tools that are developed by startups or existing software companies.
- Software updates, patches, or new versions of existing solutions.
- Apps for mobile devices
- Software solutions for internal support that are developed in-house.
Six Steps in a Software Development Project LifeCycle

Project Management Institute's (PMI) five phases for project management provide a standard process. Project life cycles are divided into these five steps and represent essential activities necessary to complete each phase.
Software Development Lifecycle, or SDLC for short, is an innovative lifecycle software process used to design, test and deploy software tools. There are various SDLC models, but Agile stands out as being both fast and flexible compared to its alternatives.
Software project development phases (also referred to as software project management steps or stages) depend on which methodology (Agile, Waterfall, traditional iterative spiral, etc.) you choose and whether they follow a sequential progression, overlapped repetition, or different amounts of attention are given over time.
While different phases have various names within software development, there are six major phases with similar names, which make for clear guidance when approaching software creation projects.
- Initiation/Planning
- Needs
- You can also Design Your Own.
- Build
- Testing
- Implementation
What Is The Software Planning Process?

The planning phase marks the first stage in the Software Development Life Cycle process (SDLC). This phase encompasses many activities to set the project on its way toward success, including several phases and activities involved with planning software development projects:
Define your Project Initiative:
- Your project initiative is the roadmap for the planning of the software that will guide the project. You should include the following in it:
- Project goals should be clearly stated.
- Create a baseline.
- Budget your expenses.
- Create deadlines.
- Find out who your stakeholders are.
Break Down the Work:
- Organize a brainstorming event that involves the whole project team.
- Analyze past projects
- Break down all tasks into smaller subtasks.
- List all the activities you want to do and assign each one to a person or group.
- Estimate timelines.
Create a Resource Schedule:
- Find out what resources you have.
- Assess resource constraints.
- Outsourcing is a viable option.
- Allocate resources.
Perform Risk Management:
- Assess the potential impact and risks.
- Analyze qualitative and quantitative risks
- Create contingency plans.
Choose A Platform For Task Management And Communication:
- Determine the functionality required.
- Assess products.
- Choose a solution.
A project planning template can help you map out your strategy from start to finish, offering real-time collaboration and adjustments as necessary. Click here for some great templates.
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What Are The Components Of Software Project Management

Software project management affects many teams and people within an organization. Software project managers usually take charge. However, other teams from departments or companies, such as developers, engineers, and IT professionals, may also participate.
Clients and customers also play an active part in SDLC through User Acceptance Testing - usually the final phase of testing - where realistic test cases from customers and clients alike ensure the development process has concluded successfully.
Metrics for Software Project Management

Each metric should reflect the business goals, so here are four software project management metrics you may find helpful:
- Project Satisfaction: How happy are the stakeholders about this project? This post-project questionnaire contains a similar question to the net promoter scale that measures overall satisfaction.
- Deliveries: The percentage of completed projects on time by the team.
- Cost: The percentage of budgeted projects that the team completes.
- Defects: The number of defects the team identified and repaired during the project is compared to the amount reported by users after implementation.
Benefits of Software Project Management

Many organizations view software project management as an expensive expense. But in cases of complex software projects involving many stakeholders, teams, tasks, and customers whose results impact customers directly - project managers often reduce expenses by streamlining operations to bring greater efficiencies into play and reduce any associated risk factors.
Project managers can ensure projects stay on time and under budget while creating relationships between clients and internal stakeholders, improving communication and transparency. Furthermore, project managers help decrease organizational risks while decreasing issues for software development teams.
Software Project Management Challenges

Software project management offers many benefits; however, it also poses potential pitfalls. One potential source of trouble lies when organizations attempt to implement project management techniques without considering each individual project's individual requirements and demands. Therefore, when approaching each new venture in project form, it's essential that its requirements and specifications are assessed individually for best results.
Some project management tools are simply too costly for smaller software development teams to afford, risking low returns on investments if purchased too costly. Spreadsheets or less complicated solutions such as Arion ERP can often be purchased at much-reduced costs.
Some software projects don't need an elaborate project management solution; overspending on such solutions for small projects could do more damage than good. Before making your purchase, carefully consider which projects your team may manage before investing in software project management software.
What Software Should Be Used For Project Management?

Finding the appropriate project management software may prove to be challenging. When making this choice, one should carefully consider the type of projects they intend on overseeing, the complexity of details, team size, and budgetary constraints when making this selection. It may help if tools with Gantt charts, PERT diagrams, resource histograms, or critical path analysis are also considered when searching. To assist your selection process, you can refer back to this guide for guidance in selecting an optimal software system for your project management needs.
What to Consider When Selecting a Software Project Management Tools

Project managers face an immense workload, from overseeing multiple tasks associated with SDLC implementation and management to overseeing budget allocation. There are various tools designed specifically to aid software project managers; they range from small systems up to enterprise-grade products that could help.
Establish the size and nature of your company as well as the projects you will work on, the development methodologies you intend to employ, and features to support planning, execution, and control for each phase of SDLC:
- Project estimation
- Definition of scope, verification, and control.
- Project scheduling/calendar
- Resource Management
- Planning and controlling risk management.
- Priorities and categories for task management.
- Subtasks
- Budgeting and planning.
- Management of time and expenses
- Monitoring and Control of Projects
- Communication and collaboration within the team (video, chats, online discussions, email notifications).
- Kanban boards are also known as Gantt charts and PERT diagrams.
- Milestone tracking
- File management is a part of document management.
- Reports, dashboards, and KPIs. Results (OKRs), as well as cost-to-complete analyses.
- User roles and permissions
- Workflow Processes
- Portfolio management
- Invoicing and billing
- Apps for iOS and Android
- Drag-and-drop templates and easy-to-use configurations.
- Contact Management
- Change Management
- Configuration Management
- Release Management
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Roadmaps for products
- Backlogs/stories
- Subversion
- Bug tracking
- Portals clients for communication, UAT, and approvals.
The Future of Software Project Management

New technologies are revolutionizing the technology sector, including artificial intelligence (AI), natural language processing, and machine learning which has already revolutionized consumer interactions and is set to make an even deeper impactful statement about consumer needs and expectations. Workers increasingly demand flexible remote working environments as well as using personal devices in the workplace (Bring Your Device or BYOD), with many industries already having large remote workforces in operation.
Project managers face the unique challenge of communicating with remote workers while being concerned that robots might take their jobs in future years. Project management will soon undergo a digital transformation, which should decrease issues currently delaying projects, while intelligent tools could take over some of project manager duties so they can focus on strategic activities instead of administrative duties.
Standardization will also involve technology solutions designed to strengthen communication among an increasingly dispersed workforce. Within several years, all companies will employ technologies and business practices designed to support today's workers - then we will move on to another technological revolution.
We are already cybernetic beings. You possess more power than the President of the United States did two decades ago, videoconferencing is possible anywhere, and you can respond instantly to any question, "you can instantly send messages out to millions". Software has allowed us to harness such immense strength; since 1990 it has profoundly altered lives worldwide.
As a software programmer, you likely feel immense pressure to deliver something amazing quickly and cheaply - this goal must be reached as efficiently as possible, and that means project management must play its part.
The success or failure of projects depends heavily upon how they're managed. According to our 2023 Survey, 36% struggle with prioritizing and planning their daily workload and tasks. This guide will walk you through three simple steps of project management in software development.
Read More: Applying Agile Principles to Software Development
1. Planning

Software development starts with an idea. Your task in this phase should be to take your initial spark of an idea until it blazes into a powerful Olympic-sized flame of innovation. At this point, everything from conception through completion should be planned out; herein resides your responsibility:
- Defining the scope of your project.
- Assemble your team
- Allocate resources
- Choose a strategy for communication.
Start Your Project Build Your Team Allocate Resources Select an effective communication strategy. Here is an outline to get you started on this step-by-step path to ensuring success:
Assign the Scope of Your Project
Determining the Scope of Your Project is an integral first step. By outlining all aspects of what makes up a successful project plan - budget, resources, and team requirements, as well as a timeline - this step helps establish priorities while staying within set parameters and timelines.
Cyber Infrastructure Inc. makes defining your project scope simple through task assignments and project creation, helping to establish its scope easily by adding tasks. Tasks allow for easier task management as they help break it into manageable pieces, while Cyber Infrastructure Inc. makes viewing tasks in various formats simple so you can monitor each step towards reaching your goal with ease.
Assemble Your Team
Software development requires an immense team effort. Cyber Infrastructure Inc. makes the task simpler by helping to bring people from various disciplines together on one platform for efficient collaboration.
Add team members easily by clicking on the People tab and filling in each individual's information, including department and role details. This allows for better task organization and tracking progress of software applications, whether that be internal team members, clients, or freelancers; each has different permission levels available to them.
Allocating Resources
Your team is one of your greatest assets when it comes to developing software. In order to effectively allocate your resources, combine team efforts with task assignments. Cyber Infrastructure Inc allows each task assignment either across departments or directly to users.
Your team can add notes, dates, and attachments so they have everything needed to complete their task successfully. Each member working on the project will have a login to access both their own task as well as that of other team members; filter options can make this task easy to access for everyone involved in completing it successfully.
Choose A Strategy For Communication
A key part of project management lies within its planning phase is choosing how your team will communicate. A successful endeavor relies on effective communication; unfortunately, people communicate differently. Our survey of 2023 indicates that 78% prefer email as the preferred communication medium with their teams, while 68% use telephone conferencing, 69% utilize online collaborative tools, and 38% make use of project management applications.
These tools each play an essential part of software development. Sometimes to resolve some problems, it can be necessary to call someone. Sometimes people work more effectively together using collaboration tools; knowing when and how best to utilize these tools is important - otherwise, a team member could get stuck using exclusively email while others insist upon conference calls, potentially costing both money and time in wasted efforts.
Cyber Infrastructure Inc. spent hours perfecting software that makes communication seamless between teammates. Our discussions tab allows fast, convenient conversations while recording dates/timestamps: this ensures all communication is in one central place. Every message sent through the Discussions tab will also be forwarded directly to your email address for immediate replying via a reply email.
2. Execution

Now is the time to put your plans into motion. At this stage, all work, such as design, development, testing, and quality assurance, takes place. At this stage, project management involves keeping things progressing efficiently while staying within your timeline and budget. Communication will play a pivotal role here and throughout your entire project; it helps you assess where more work needs to be completed or has not gone as expected.
Cyber Infrastructure Inc. allows users to collaborate and share their works-in-progress easily and transparently, embedding documents such as spreadsheets, vision boards, and prototypes from other software into projects for collaboration and sharing.
Real-time collaborative work without leaving the project. Our time tracking feature makes staying on schedule simple; simply add hours by choosing which stage or task to work on and entering how long each member of your team spends each day on working on it, providing valuable data about project profitability as well as any unexpected delays that might have arisen from its progress.
3. Maintenance

Software projects rarely reach completion; even established platforms like Netflix and Facebook require ongoing updates and maintenance. You should meet frequently during the implementation and completion stages with your team to review feedback, make necessary modifications, and review feedback received. A tool like Cyber Infrastructure Inc makes creating maintenance projects quick and painless; creating unlimited projects is simply one click away.
Planning or execution may no longer involve all stakeholders; we have developed a bug-tracking project template with 26 pre-populated tasks and ten custom statuses as a solution to help manage maintenance effectively.
Cyber Infrastructure Inc. allows each bug in this project to have its task, making communication with your team easy, uploading files quickly, and moving it along in its workflow process. Furthermore, users or groups may assign bugs directly while giving each one its own status so you know which ones are still open.
Successful Project Management Strategies

At Our Web Team, we employ agile project management, similar to many tech companies today. SCRUM is a methodology we attempt to apply across our daily work rather than only on our website; here is a brief glimpse of our Agile Development Process:
Prioritization and Iterative Process
Our client services team collaborates closely to define the scope of a project before breaking it down into manageable chunks that align with business goals, prioritizing them according to priority (less important features will be specified along the way).
Once we have clearly defined your project's scope, we will release code chunks every bi-weekly or weekly iteration that includes requirement analysis, specifications writing, coding and testing. Taking this agile approach enables us to deliver business value faster while accommodating changes midway through the development of any given project scope/course of development.
Weekly Demos
Each week, our clients are shown a short demo of what has been accomplished over the last week and told what they should expect over the following one. This gives us extra motivation and forces us to prioritize functional code over coding everything necessary. Feedback can then be given directly by clients making communication much smoother overall.
Daily Standing Ups (Optional)
We hold daily calls with clients where we pose three questions to them:
- Yesterday, what did you do?
- What will we do today?
- Do you have any problems?
Each project's scope will dictate its implementation; for a one-month project with minor requirements, it doesn't necessitate constant communication - sending just two sentences via Slack will do.
Payment and Time Tracking
Every two weeks, we send the client a detailed report. Depending on their management style and project scope, this account provides them with full transparency regarding hours spent thus far on their project; also, we adjust if their budget or expectation changes during that time frame.
Daily Communication
Our clients can always reach the project manager, PO, or developer via Slack should they need an urgent question answered or need something stated clearly. With its virtual environment setting, Slack keeps everyone close while maintaining professionalism in an ever-evolving work world.
Every four weeks, either our CEO or PO will meet with clients for feedback-gathering purposes and adjust accordingly. Our firm always goes the extra mile when creating products.
Retrospective Sprint
Every week or two, we host team meetings where these three questions are tackled head-on by each person on our team:
- Was it that we liked the Sprint?
- What are we looking to achieve in the next sprint?
- What can we do to keep what we like and make it even better?
To remain productive and communicate well within our team, it is key that tasks are completed at each phase. Clients typically pay us for both our time and materials in 98% of projects; our sprint-based style of management makes implementation simpler; these strategies wouldn't work without epic tools used by us for software development.
Want More Information About Our Services? Talk to Our Consultants!
Technology development can transform lives. But before creating successful software can even begin to happen, its creation must first occur through development - something project management can assist with.
Cyber Infrastructure Inc. can assist by offering its Free Templates Page as a starting point to start planning out projects of your own and by helping integrate simple project management alongside complex portfolio and custom software development services to increase productivity and collaboration while driving efficiency through integration between a simple project and resource management practices.
Cyber Infrastructure Inc.'s platform makes it simple and seamless to plan, capture and report work efficiently from any location - helping teams become more effective while accomplishing more in less time. Real-time reports and dashboards offer real-time insight into what work is being accomplished. At the same time, automated workflows keep teams informed and connected - it is truly remarkable what teams can get accomplished when given visibility of what their peers have already completed.